Bushtarion Manual
Units/Troops/Staff Types
Below is a live list of all (non-admin) units in the game. Please note: The "* Ratings" (eg ***) are only a general guideline, they are not exact figures. For example if a unit does 1 * of health damage, that does not mean that you just need 4 of them to kill a unit that has 4 * of health. They are purely a guideline to give you an idea of what sort of damages, and resistances, each unit has without spoiling too much of the game. Actual figures are not available anywhere.

Clicking on a unit name in the list will bring up full details for that unit. You can view the key below by clicking on "Show Key", or hover over column titles/some sets of data for a tooltip giving descriptions of what each column is.
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NLT: Non Lethal Thug NLD: Non Lethal Distractor
LET: Lethal Unit INN: Innocent (Gardeners, Geo-Phys Thieves, Tractors etc.)
ALL: All (Used for targetting randomly) Class: Which of the above this unit is classed as.
C: Close range. M: Middle range.
R: Distant range. All: All 3 ranges.
T-1: Primary target class. T-2: Secondary target class.
T-3: Tertiary target class. Type: Type of damage/ability.
Init: Initiative. Lower this is, the quicker this unit fires in battle. ETA: How long it takes to reach a target {ETA in curly brackets is the "stealth ETA"}. (mob moves at the speed of the slowest unit).
HP: Health Point 1-6 rating (* = low, ****** = high). AR: Armour 1-6 rating (* = low, ****** = high).
HD: Health damage 1-6 rating (* = low, ****** = high). AD: Armour damage 1-6 rating (* = low, ****** = high).
Flags: S = Stealth capabilities. I = Immobile. HQ = Alliance HQ only (invulnerable to bribery).

Filter By: (show all)
Protestor: Thug:
Military: Robotic:
Special Ops: Fantasy:
Generic: Alliance:
Live Unit Listing:
Name Class Type Range T-1 T-2 T-3 Init ETA Cost Flags HP AR HD AD
* - Indicates this unit has known unique bonuses. Click the unit for more details.