Sad times


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
The Hague
1, Finale was FTW, you just never knew if you was going to take rank 1 or 2, so said its going to be FTF.

2, Rank 1 didn't take down 1 alliance. From what i can see in the ranks is that rank 1 is still attacking rank 3 and 4 just to keep them behind.

3, I'm pretty sure they will have a 70% bounty very soon.. if that's not a reason to attack them?


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 15, 2007
Netherlands, Brabant

also yuri is half right and bruce is half right.
it was bruces intention to recruit for a ftw alliance but he failed, so it went ftf


Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
3.rank 1 all having 100% bounty after a certain point in the round or when they have like double the score of rank 2 would be an interesting idea

I love when people try to find a punishment for the heresy of players being good enough to get rank 1. Seriously.. if someone has gotten rank 1, he or they have clearly put in more effort than the rest of the players. You shouldn't really punish people for their hard work just because some players lack the skill or desire to mount a challenge.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
It's not about punishing them. That argument about "punishment" is as old as Bushtarion, and a ridiculous argument at that. The fact is that the very nature of Bushtarion allows an alliance to get themselves in to a position of having a huge lead early on, by which point the rest of the round becomes incredibly easy (usually alliances at the top can go incredibly idle, and just rely on somebody texting them for the odd incoming, once they get enough lead) - while inversely, it becomes extremely (disproportionately) hard for everyone else (the challenge of trying to not grow in to range of the top alliance, competing with the rest of the game, and having the top alliance wipe you all out in the blink of an eye should you accidentally get in to range, does not match the challenge of outgrowing everyone in the first few days). This can almost be seen as a 'flaw' with the very core of Bushtarion that allows this situation to happen - it should be impossible to "win" a 75 day round a week in. Yes it doesn't always happen, sometimes a resistance can actually work, at great effort to a great many people, and it's relatively rare.

Players do need additional facilities to help keep a round interesting all the way through to the end. There should always be a genuine possibility that you don't know who's won it until the last week of a round (even the last day!). Players have proven time and time again that players alone are not capable of this, due to the difference a fast "Pull-away" at start round makes (once you are at the "top of the hill", it becomes incredibly easy to remain there and keep everyone below you down, the challenge at MAINTAINING the position once there is nowhere even close to equal to the challenge of successfully taking down an alliance with a gigantic lead).

Punishment is not what I would describe a mechanism of a game providing tougher and tougher challenges for those that strive to be the top (I wouldn't call monsters getting harder as I level up in an RPG as punishment for levelling up)...

I'm truly fed up of seeing some members of top alliances, past and present (it's not all, only a handful - some actually selflessly think beyond their own little worlds and ranks and agree with me) defend their "right" to stay at the top, farm everyone below them, and stagnate a round, and then moan when anyone even hints at something that might actually provide further challenge beyond the first week or two of a round.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
From my experience getting to rank 1 is great, being rank 1 is boring.

All that will happen now is the top have 2 months of IRC chat and some mundane attacking.

Is that what everyone wants all the time? I personally don't like it but it's the thought of the round being won by someone else that makes the rank 1 not want these kind of things.

Ofc the top alliance will keep playing and no advantage given to others cos they wanna be know to of won the round and it'd be embarassing if they lost.

In the past atleast the middle rankings did some stuff and it was a bit entertaining but now it's kinda dull there aswell. :(
As Ahead said - the rank 3/4/5/6 alliances of these days seem to be the rank 10,11,12,13 alliances of 10 rounds ago.


Dec 16, 2007
Cambridge, UK
Give bounty on killing someone with a red title in defense too, and increace injury rates when fighting against dishonourable titles.

That way, the allies below the top ally will always fight them in defense, and will have a reason to send attacks at them. If you get 70-80% injury when attacking / defending against them, and a 60-70% bounty, then why the hell not!?

Another issue is that there are only a handful of people who play this game seriously anymore, and they all mostly jump in the same ally. Hence you get this problem. Until the playerbase starts getting bigger, you are going to have to start taking measures to keep the game enjoyable for everyone.

Also, the number of bots in the game at the lower scores has livened things up alot imo. More targets, and people who attack your ally who don't recall at the slightest sniff of defense, and give you a decent fight! The regular bot incomings make the game far more enjoyable for an ally, except when they come when you are getting massed by another large ally simultaneously! Give the alliance defence somthing to chew on...
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Apr 15, 2009
I got an idea, it will take some patience though, if Twigs and some others set up alliances for new people. This could benefit the playerbase and maybe put a bit more competition into the rankings. Just next round don't go with the same people as usual and see how it all works out ;)