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Store Intelligence Scans


Dec 17, 2007
I don't know if people have suggested this in the past, but it only makes sense to me. Having to copy and paste intelligence scans can get old pretty fast, imo.

It would be REALLY nice if you could store even just 5 intelligence scans. And then, have the option to delete ones you don't want, kind of like an e-mail inbox; of course, any new scans would bump out the oldest one if there wasn't room.

With this feature, you could also do multiple scans at once, and they would just arrive in your "inbox." This would save a lot of time and grunt work for everyone when they are trying to find a good target.

I'd like to hear what you guys think...


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: Store Intelligence Scans

i'm pretty lazy and I don't really have a problem with copy and paste, it's not ideal. And it'd be a nice gadget to save 5 intel scans at one or w/e, but... it simply isn't necessary, and i don't think journal and c/p have failed us so badly that we need a whole new system ;) Call me old fashioned that way :(


Dec 17, 2007
Re: Store Intelligence Scans

Alcibiades said:
i'm pretty lazy and I don't really have a problem with copy and paste, it's not ideal. And it'd be a nice gadget to save 5 intel scans at one or w/e, but... it simply isn't necessary, and i don't think journal and c/p have failed us so badly that we need a whole new system ;) Call me old fashioned that way :(


You're old fashioned that way.



Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Bracknell, Berkshire, England
Re: Store Intelligence Scans

Yes it has been suggested before, But as it was on the old forums, i won't blame you for a repost.

It would be nice ish to be able to auto save scans to journal or something, but as they change so often whats the point?... I guess you'll want to see how much you've killed.. But why not just open up notepad and stick em in there for that?


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Store Intelligence Scans

you guys copy and paste. but spies and hacks come out in a pretty gash layout when you do that.....

....simply open the inteligence page in a new window. and leave it open after the scan. or new tab if your using xp. that way you can have the scan thiere for however long you want.

and normally once you have spied and haxed. you know if the target is viable. or not so you can close the impossible ones and leave the viable ones for maybe close news/spy inspection.

i like doing it this way because to spy again you just refresh the correct page that you have left open (or tab), same with hacks. both of which are like "ten a pennie" so no harm in reusing


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Store Intelligence Scans

I think a "save to journal"-button on the intelligence page would be a welcome addition. especially if you want to hack/spy a lot of IDs to prepare for a alliance attack


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Hillsville VA, USA
Re: Store Intelligence Scans

willymchilybily said:
you guys copy and paste. but spies and hacks come out in a pretty gash layout when you do that.....

....simply open the inteligence page in a new window. and leave it open after the scan. or new tab if your using xp. that way you can have the scan thiere for however long you want.

and normally once you have spied and haxed. you know if the target is viable. or not so you can close the impossible ones and leave the viable ones for maybe close news/spy inspection.

i like doing it this way because to spy again you just refresh the correct page that you have left open (or tab), same with hacks. both of which are like "ten a pennie" so no harm in reusing

This is the method I use, because not only do you have the info there in another tab ( Firefox ) but like my hill billy said, you can update it in a moments notice with the refresh button. If intelligence were expensive I might be more worried about the costs of refreshing like that but as cheap as they are it's not really worth an extra button