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Repeat attacking honour loss should be increased


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
Well I kinda farmed a target last night attacking him several times over and over...
Now repeat attacking is frowned upon in this game quite heavily, and I don't know about other people but I think the following honour losses really don't reflect how many times I kept sending at this same guy:
Please note 90% of the time somebody else was infront of me so it should have also been more honour lost for hitting in a wave.

1st time: You lost 68.91 honour.
2nd time: You lost 78.55 honour.
3rd time: You lost 119.90 honour.
4th time: You lost 118.20 honour.

All sent as soon as my staff got back. Any thoughts on this?


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Whats 90% of 4?

But yes, it should increase past just the third time, possibly with the original value being slightly lower (although I have no idea what range your target was at)


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
All above 40%
Just doesn't seem harsh enough to put people off from repeat attacking


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
to be honest if losing honour(and gaining bounty) isnt going to put you off being dishonourable, and attacking <70%, losing a bit more of it isnt going to put you off repeat attacking (which is normally done as a target is easy to farm once dead)

So no matter what the cap it probably wouldnt of had much effect. also azzer did say tis based on the total amount of your troops sent.

aka if you send 1 man at an SA its such a small amount of your total units at this stage in the game it nets you very little honour (whether +ve or -ve) and doesnt register as an attack as it doesnt meet the minimum % of you're total troops. so you can resend at the target and its not classed as a repeat attack)

maybe if you sent only a few geos to a target the same applies. and if you send a smaller fraction of troops you lose less honour.(or gain less) so as you are repeat attacking an easy target generally you will be sending less troops, (as a % of your score). so the effect of the -ve honour for the repeat is reduced due to the amount of you're troops you have sent.

but i think an increase in honour lost for repeat attacking is worht while, even though it still wont discourage those farming a zeroed target.