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    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

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Remove injuries on INN when attacking


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Well the title says it all.
Lethals, distractors and INN unit types have been carefully balanced so stealing land by just flaking isn't an easy thing to do. Injuries are fine on lethals and probably on distractors too(i think too high on them aswell since poms are already "impossible" to kill 1:1), but when it comes to 'pure INN atacks' it gives them too much power if 50% of them get back.
If you could get a land grab loosing 200 bil worth of INN last round you can get the same grab while loosing just 100 bil now. This high injuries on INN make flak attacks just too easy, and the routes that already had problem dealing with flak mobs deal even less damage now.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Lappeenranta, Finland (Wolf territory)
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

Hell no!
Flakking doesnt hurt anyone. As long as people are only flakked they keep playing i dont want that day back where people went, zeroed and then raped dry. Thank you.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

Flaking doesn't hurt ? Is this a joke ?
Since injuries are so huge for defending, killing doesn't hurt much anymore, taking land is the way to do damage. Zeroed and leave the game ? Wake up BW, the game has changed.


Head Gardener
Dec 15, 2007
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

the game play has sort of moved backwards BW, more flk attack than usual and value being the most important aspect in the game. Flaking is far too easy now with no exp and injury returns, why bother attacking someone big and will make you lose lethals when you can flk past people a lot lower than you?


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

once again im going to go with bw. only cos GOD DAMN IT I GRIPED ABOUT THIS EXACT TOPIC!

the system is not finished ce n'est complete pas!!!!

as for anyone flacking through a 60-70% target (70%=honourable) to get the reasonable return rate they must be crazy. to have that much flack reduces the amount of lethals they have in thier army. but the score is the same. they are easy targets them selfs. the only people with an army strong enough to do that is bunker/sentry route or similar route which relies entirely on flack to get its land

and as im bunker route i'd like to inform you i attack 40%+ because now im using tractors i cba to wait the extra eta+2 or +1 but im attacking the mininum without incuring the eta penalty. because 1stly they have more land than people at 30% and secondly they are a lot easier to flack than 70%'s. and i garentee any one that flacks will attack a similar range. so no they dont get 50% troop return. and when they get less land for doing dihonourable attacks it wont be as detramental. hell id love to se some one 333% of my score comming at me all flack. if he lands, meh. im going to kill him alot for it. and with reduced land grab for dishonourable and reduced troop return, then hes not going to get as much as they guy that rapes me with rpgs and is of similar score. and the guy that rapes me of similar score gives me less men back as the defender because it was honourable and his score isnt all flack, its mainly lethals and land.

i know what id rather see coming at me from the overview ty v much. for example right now im about rank 100 still enough land to be tempting. but i worked out how much it would take to land me. its well over 500million men and at a peak of up to 810mill+ if some one has that much flack. then try it please i would love to see that br.

also if you can show me this guy that can flack through a route that is 70% of his score. And is balanced correctly. And he has enough flack to do this. without making half his troop score gardeners thus making him an easy target. I would like to shake his hand. because hes done something very god damn special. and if he turns out to be a bunker route then im going to say i told you so. very few other routes have the units to make it viable to attack 70% with pure flack and be able to hold ones land.

the only way i can see this guy being able to do all these things is if he is the biggest fish in the pond and has no one bigger than him to see he is weak due to too much score being tied up in flack.

in short, i disagree. I doubt this is happening to the extent people portray. and i bet once the 2nd phase of age 4.5 kicks in its gogin to happen even less.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

I completely agree with OP. I'd settle for injury rates no higher than 15% on INN, even. That way you're not completely screwed when you die to SAS. :p


Head Gardener
Jan 14, 2008
Sevenoaks, England
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

i agree with willymchilybily, Azzer isnt finished with the changes yet (+ i love flakking people :D)


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Remove injuries on INN when attacking

i dont have time to read all the posts or write a good one, but short answer...no