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New alliance type


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Well i know it's been sugested before in many forms, from bounty hunter and guardian sugestions (Sordes) to unlimited members (BW) or AR protected alliances (Polo) and maybe more. I'd like to play in a much smaller group than the current max number an alliance has and ofc get a benefit from having less members. Was thinking under 10 members .. somewhere around 5. Currently there is no reason not to bring somebody in your alliance, every free spot makes the alliance weaker. So i'm suggesting to introduce alliance types with much less members that get some benefits to allow group of friends to play together without beeing forced to fill a large number of slots to compensate the lack of AR.

And since the injuries are so high maybe finally the alliance limit can drop to around 15 members :D


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

what type of advantages were you thinking a smaller allaince needs to make it effective. because it cant be as good as solo rewards, but your right in needing something to make it viable. for that allaince to succeed and not just be purely out numbered.

but at the same time i guess there could be some form of anti rape if the allaicne is small enough eg, 5 players. you have enough routes to be an effective squad. but maybe if your forces were overwhelmed then you could get anti rape too....?


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

DarkSider said:
Well i know it's been sugested before in many forms, from bounty hunter and guardian sugestions (Sordes) to unlimited members (BW) or AR protected alliances (Polo) and maybe more. I'd like to play in a much smaller group than the current max number an alliance has and ofc get a benefit from having less members. Was thinking under 10 members .. somewhere around 5. Currently there is no reason not to bring somebody in your alliance, every free spot makes the alliance weaker. So i'm suggesting to introduce alliance types with much less members that get some benefits to allow group of friends to play together without beeing forced to fill a large number of slots to compensate the lack of AR.

And since the injuries are so high maybe finally the alliance limit can drop to around 15 members :D

tbh if AR gets redesigned and (it's been talked about before) alliances get some sort of govt assistance when a ZOMGWTFUAREH000GE alliance attacks one considerably weaker, then the suggestion isn't needed.

to clarify, i like the suggestion, but if AR is tweaked to include allies and based off alliance score then, it shouldn't matter if you have 5 or 20 members, your ally score is your ally score and if incomming triggers then incomming triggers.

I feel that would be a better fit for the game than multiple ally sizes and the upkeep of such. Now the changes shouldn't be such that a group of 5 outdo an active (key here... active) group of 18-20 players... but i think giving smaller allies gov defense to help vs those other allies sending at +2 eta is a good idea


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

I just can't see a way to implement AR for an alliace other than giving AR for each member in the alliance but much hard to trigger. Something like x3 target score instead 1.45 as it is for psolo's + ar mod.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

just an idea of the top of my head: how about the smaller ally (lets call them groups) would get a modifier on all allydevs on 0.2 (so they can tech up as normally) and as well get the bonus that the ID of their defenders wont show up in their spy-reports.
Instead of:
Incoming Friendlies
News from your sources is that in 1 ticks, 1,583,874 people from random_member of ally [1337] will arrive to defend you.

you would see:

Incoming Friendlies
News from your sources is that in 1 ticks, 1,583,874 people from a group member will arrive to defend you.

You would not know what the defender had, or his/her ID

That way coordinated attacks would be much more difficult to do on a group, as you cant spy them out.
And without knowing the other groupmembers routes or value, you might have to risk staying and facing a massive defence of Governmental propotions...


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

seriously enrico? i dont want to put you down. i respect that you just came out with an idea. im not going to flame you. but i am going to take your idea and cr*p all over it. sorry in advanced. nothing personal.

how would that work. how would you know weather to recall your defence or stay if you cant hack the defender. even pnaps show thier id's

so this cant work it wouldnt work. too much of an advantage.

and even with out this the fact is it will be hard enough to know if its a small allaince or a big one just with a few groups wth ifferent time zones. or 1 5maner with pnaps. you can only guess. especially with pnaps. you wont know whose working for who and whos allie or pnap

so your idea therefore iimbalance. and unneesscary. i mean there wouldnt be any need to fake defences properly just send one man. is it stealth or a bluff. you wouldn't even be able to hack and know what routes defending let alone possible troop arrangements. let alone know the score of the defender. you would never know. and even when your wiped out by some one 600% of your score plus. and you still wont know who it is till you see your enemies page 10 hours later.lol.

i like the throwing ideas out there part. just the idea itself may need a bit more thought first. a good idea with suggestions, is to modify what exists. introducing new stuff generally gets flammed. but keep on suggesting its fun. :)

because something that could come into the game without throwing the games whole dynamics off that isnt already in the game in any way, and a good iea,,,,,,is one in a million. thats why i suggest you use what works b4 for solos etc.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

No, you didn't get my meaning. A few things to clear up:

You would know that the person is member of a group, as you would see the "group member" instead of a defenders ID.
Ypu would also see the number of staff sent, and the eta it was sent, so you would know a bit, but I think most people on their own would recall instead of pushing through... On the other hand, as a groupmember, you know you would be safe from AR so overkill or bashing would still occur to some degree.

Unlike AR the groupmembers would only be defended when one of the 4 other groupmembers is online...

If the group went on coordinated attack, it would be possible to guess their affiliation, but you would not know for sure...

It might be unbalanced, but I don't think so...

The attacker will not know the groups IDs (no counter-attacks or waves)
The attacker will not know what route the defender is

The attacker would see defence as it is sent (unlike AR who shows up at attacking for 3)
If no defence is sent, the attacker will know for sure
You only have defence when your groupmembers are online
The attacker will know what the eta of the defence is, and thus might guess what he/she is up against (especially if you're spy report contains many BRs)

A possibillity would be that the spy-report tells what route the defender is (but you will not know if the attacker is large/small or what staff he really have)


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

Ok after a bit of brainstorming i come with this ideea for an alliance that gets AR defence:

5 members
Ar triggering level on each member x3 their total score
Alliance gets AR mod depending the score drop of the alliance in a tick. So first when it ticks, it's calculated the total valuation of current members, BR's are done and the resulting valuation of the entire alliance is compared with the old one to give AR mod to the ally.
Some fine tunning is required here, to give good AR mod depending the damage that was done to the ally. An alliance often under siege should be able to build up a solid AR mod.

And it's big brother maybe with 10 members, x6 triggering score.

So without getting quite a bit bashed first it's hard to trigger on any of the 2 allies.
Probably give them a goal to shoot for, they can't compete in value or effectiveness with a 20 man alliance so maybe in points or war wins/damage done.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New alliance type

personally not being in an allie myself or not a regular one, i cant really comment. but i guess there will be more allies if anything. i mean:
if your'd like to be in an allie but can only fill 4 places(5 with you) then you cant really allie at present. i do see this as a way for people to build and lets say 2 five mans worked together maybe next round they could amke a ten man. and it could build. make it easier to get little networks of trustworthy fun players. so in that respect i can see the fun side to this idea

but personaly my inactivity and amount i go solo i cant really make any more helpful critiscim with the suggestions for the small allie because i dont have enough experience with allie play. maybe some others could help this thread out with some ideas.