Favourite mechanics of the game?

Favourite mechanics of the game?

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Dec 14, 2007
What are your favourite mechanics from Bushtarion? One you think that makes it stand out from other similar games out there?

1) Combat Mechanics:
-Units(Armor/HP/Inititiative/ETA/Targetting types)
-Stealth mechanics
-Unit type(NLT, LET etc.)

3) Resource Collection:
-Planting plants into designated land, each land yielding different rates of production
-Gaining seeds, turning into plants and selling using Planting and Harvesting units
-Weather/day night cycle playing a part
-Earning via bounty, stealing seeds/plants

4) Developement:
-Teching units/bonuses in trees
-Buying/stealing land

5) Intelligence:
-Different uses of each scan

6) H/F + Bounty System

7) Alliance and Solo Play:
-AHQ techs and units
-Organised attacks/defences


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
The best parts of Bushtarion which kept it far more interesting for me was the ability to play solo and for the knowledge of BRs to not be 'calculated' like most other games. Therefore with the application of skill and an eye for being able to deter attackers you could combat a lack of activity with skill... when I first started playing I loved the fact I could maintain a high rank without being close to as active as anyone else because of my understanding of game mechanics.

Another benefit was being able to attack other solos so you didn't have to organise group attacks against other alliances (like other games). I could also send several attacks with flak in only a few hours, again meaning my minimum activity could still be used very effectivly when skill was applied.


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Oslo, Norway
The best parts of Bushtarion which kept it far more interesting for me was the ability to play solo and for the knowledge of BRs to not be 'calculated' like most other games. Therefore with the application of skill and an eye for being able to deter attackers you could combat a lack of activity with skill... when I first started playing I loved the fact I could maintain a high rank without being close to as active as anyone else because of my understanding of game mechanics.

Another benefit was being able to attack other solos so you didn't have to organise group attacks against other alliances (like other games). I could also send several attacks with flak in only a few hours, again meaning my minimum activity could still be used very effectivly when skill was applied.

What he said.


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
For me it's all about route balance and variability, which on the whole, is excellent and much better than a lot of games I've played. Each route has a lot of versatility to it, allowing for so much strategy. For example, you can play SOs with an eye to bounty hunt, with mass SAs and an RPG friend for maximum synergy... or you can mass assassins and becoming a great defensive solo juggernaut... or you can mass SGTs and yobs and become incredibly hard to land against.

The same can be said for most routes... there are just so many different strategies and ways of playing each one, before you even start on the fun combinations between two or more routes :D

I've only now just got to the point where I've played every route, and P-unit, allowing me to go back and pick my favourites :)


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
I'd have to say its the players that truly bring me back everytime, I have made some awesome friends on here, and still talk to many that have long since quit playing.

As for mechanics, Its probably the whole numbers and battle system.. I've always been good with numbers, so its nice being able to take 1 look at someones troops and know what I need to counter it effectively. It's whats made me as successful as I have been round after round. The numbers being hidden is nice too, so a new guy coming into the game HAS to either learn from experience or be taught. It does discourage a lot of new players (most folks want instant gratification, can't bother to work for anything) but many of the players that DO stick around make for quite a fun round.


Tree Surgeon
Jul 17, 2010
Surrey, UK
A mixture of combat mechanics/attack plans+techniques and route setups combined with coming up against some of the same players round after round and having to learn how they operate to better your own style are my favourite things about the game.