

Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Can someone just give me a brief description of how this works...it may sound stupid but i just dont get it...

I understand that people that hurt you in some way get added to the enemies bit, that bit i get.

BUT how does the bounty amount work, i thought it was when a person does more damage to you than you do to them they get a bounty on them???

Right now ive only got 3 people on my list with a bounty on them (all of them being top 20, including rank 1)...however alot of my enemies have done more damage (alot more in some cases) to me than i have done to them but they dont have any bounty at all...

So yeah, can someone just help me out with how this works...


Dec 17, 2007
Re: Enemies

I've been where you are so hopefully can help you out. :)

Your enemies list is in order of who has done the most damage to you. Damage back is irrelevant. It's not a list of net damage, it's just total to you.

Therefore player A could have done you 100mil and you've done 110 mil back.
Player B has done you 80 mil and you have done nothing back.

Player A is no. 7 on your list but has a bounty of 0%.
Player B is no. 8 on your list but has a bounty of .... say 25%.

Land is scored differently, I don't know the weighting.
Bribe damage I *believe* is also weighted differently.
You can get bounty by stealing land and killing units but not from bribing units.
Bounty gained is listed in score value not cash value received and counts towards your damage total.

Therefore if Player C has done 100 mil to you. You retal, do 75 mil back and gain bounty worth 30 mil. Even though he stays in your top 15 enemies, bounty will be 0% as you have done 75 + 30 = 105 mil to his 100 mil.

I think that's all of it and is correct as far as I know. ;)


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Enemies

Nonny said:
Therefore if Player C has done 100 mil to you. You retal, do 75 mil back and gain bounty worth 30 mil. Even though he stays in your top 15 enemies, bounty will be 0% as you have done 75 + 30 = 105 mil to his 100 mil.

I think that's all of it and is correct as far as I know. ;)

thats interesting... i didnt know it worked like that. so if some one has done 2billion more damge than me. is worth 3billion score 75% bounty i bash him doing 1.5 billion damge
get 75% of that as funds too. =1.125billion equivalent(assuming he does no damage to me) he will no longer be an enemy because

i killed 1.5bill and gained 1.125bill equivalent funds =2.625billion which is greater than the 2billion

yet i only have done 1.5billion damage on the enemies page. and he's done 2 billion...????

does it really work like this. or did i miss inturpret your explanation


Dec 17, 2007
Re: Enemies

willymchilybily said:
i killed 1.5bill and gained 1.125bill equivalent funds =2.625billion which is greater than the 2billion

yet i only have done 1.5billion damage on the enemies page. and he's done 2 billion...????

does it really work like this. or did i miss inturpret your explanation

That's my understanding of it yes. I'm 80% sure it works this way. I would've said 95% before I looked at my enemies page and found I don't have any examples to back it up! :lol:


Dec 14, 2007
Pennsylvania, US
Re: Enemies

I've noticed that the bounties seem to go up? Now, this hasn't happened in every case but I've watched as they go out and attack players and then their bounty seems to go up on my enemies list. Granted it isn't in huge amounts but from the beginning one guy attacked me a lot and had no bounty for me to go for even after the damage he did and now his bounty is up at 75% and gradually increased as the round progressed and he hasn't attacked me since the first few weeks of round start nor have I attacked him.

Anyone have an explanation for that?