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Enemie list for pnaps


Dec 17, 2007
with the new enemy/ bounty system, I suggest for solos that their enemy list should also include the enemy list of their pnaps. similair to how it's been proposed that alliance will have a list of bounty targets for alliance enemies. I don't think it's been implemented for alliance yet, so hard to be more specific.


Dec 14, 2007
Re: Enemie list for pnaps

That would be alot of info which could easily be found by just asking the person who they got attacked by rather than recode a addon to the enemies list


Dec 17, 2007
Re: Enemie list for pnaps

I mean not just the list of enemies, but also the bounties, so you can collect the bounties on the attackers who attack your pnap. I'm assuming that the list of enemies for alliance would be similar, but alas as a solo, can't say for sure


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Enemie list for pnaps

imma gonna say no.

every suggestion in my memory (however poor it may be) that helped solos coordinate or work more like an alliance has been shot down.

if you want the same perks as an alliance, be in an alliance is usually the response.

As a solo, you will have plenty of enemies yourself. I think sharing lists would be an abusable system. I.E. for lethal sake lets say solo RPG, you are a RPG player and very weak to attacks from SA and TL players, I as your pnap and knowing this will go Vamp or PA... so now all your enemies are weak to me and I just sit back an take cash... if I was a Robo/PA player then you could come back and hurt all those ranger and striker players that attack me...

We'd have a massive pile of cash orgy and kind of unbalance the system especially considering I only used 2 people and didn't introduce the other pnap yet... but hopefully you see what I am getting at and adding the 3rd person allowed would potentially be 'zomg can you believe it' wrong.