Bashing/waving question


Dec 15, 2007
Hey all :D I've just got confused about the whole bashing/waving topic.


At what point does the waving of an alliance become the bashing of an alliance, or are they the same thing :/? And what is deemed 'bashing' in player to player (1on1) terms?

Thanks in advance!


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: Bashing/waving question

A wave is something i consider to happen in stages, as a widespread attack over several targets with usually 1 player a tick whereas a bash is multiple players per tick on a very limited range of targets... At least, that's my interpretation, but i'm sure it will vary throughout the playerbase:

Bash: 1-2 targets, 3-4 players a tick on each target... i would call that a bash...

Wave: 4 or more targets (imo), limited to 1 person per tick (2 at the most).

Think of it in terms of the words used to describe the action: a wave is a wide smooth destruction of rolling power. but if you get 'bashed', e.g. you get hit over the head with overwhelming force (like a nightstick, or club or w/e). Bash = concentrated overpowering force; wave = slightly dissipated force over a wide range.

Hope that helps ;)


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Bashing/waving question

agreeing entirely with alcib's description i also view it that wave attacks are thier for the land grabbs. person after person on a target. generally the first attacker of a wave is of similar government value or more than the person they are attacking. once dead the following attackers can be any size.

bashing is all attacking at once, though there are other forms. this is done to bring down a player that may be bigger than most members of thier allaince, and is the main protector defender. he may also be chosen as a target because he is bigger than the attackers. and keeps defending thier attacks. they bash to obviously dramatically weaken the allaince by killing the bigger memeber. sending overwhelming numbers in one tick to make sure the guy gets no defence or any defence dies too.

i think bashing is particularly effective if a target has limited funds/keeps spending funds on troops instead of saving. or has very low land fatness

if they are land fat and can buy back thier lost troops in half a day or less. they are more likely to get waved.

(note: imo i think bashing is going to get a dramatic reduction due to its unlawful nature the bashed target could recieve up to 80% of his troops back. thus the bash was pointless unless followed with land grabs. any attacking losses if unlawful only get 30%? i think back. so bashing will be even riskier if an allaince defends well)


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Bashing/waving question

Thanks Alci, that helped alot! :D

And thanks Willy for clearing up the tactics for me, had never reeally noticed how effective it can be :D