Yeah sure i'll give it a crack
First off I just want to apologise to the resistance effort if you feel like we stitched you guys up, especially LO who were taking the worst of it. We just weren't playing that seriously and I did feel bad;y as we got free land after free land only to kill ourselves repeatedly...just not badly enough to stop.
Alliance of the Round - I feel LO were pretty boss all round and i am a fan of the way they play. They had a nice start, and for, the the level of commitment most of them want to put in, seemed to hold up against OF for a really f****** long time. I am sure this was helped by having JJ and treedude who absolutely powerhoused the round start. There were others i'm sure but i noticed these two for a very long time.
Best Offensive Alliance - Not us, we were absolutely sh*te with no patience to resend and just fought everything and not OF for the QS style 2 too many on a tick. That being said, when you play with an extremist, a mass dragon, a mass dog and no pom, your firing on the middle tick is always going to be poor so I don't really feel like it was as annoying to defend against as it normally is..
Best Defensive Alliance - OF, this one you guys do deserve. Epic contactability (take that as a compliment if you like but it's not one
), very strong activity but more importantly you made smart choices when you needed to in terms of choosing your battles in the resistance.
(Lanky we had next to no inc to contend with and we probably lost land on more incs than we stopped land loss, what are you doing voting for us
Honourable Mention Alliance - Khaos were pretty solid and we attacked them most. But no hard feelings towards the other alliances.
Best Leader - Treedude, you're a boss and so was your team.
Worst Leader - Nope, everyone's doing their best. Though most of us aren't playing with fer...
Player of the Round - Allied - Boogie/Ram/Loz/Dellie/JJ/Polo/Quitus/Ola
Player of the Round - Solo - There were loads of solos but most of them seemed to disappear after the resistance ended, kudos to Jesse/Monk/Dax/Dando for sticking it out.
Worst player of every round - Fer
Best Offensive Player - Scorpio. Lmao not really.
Best Defensive Player - Only one player got 20m eff in a tick so well done Leeroy. If ever there was a round to be fanatics, it was the round against an entire military alliance. I think if you hadn't had backup in that BR you might still have won it alone.
Honourable Mention Player - All the Barrys for sticking with me. I'm shocked nobody restarted, not even Younge.
Best Moment of Round - I think we came pretty close to holding a bil privates in the alliance at one point. Everyone in our team had white wizards at some stage of the round. Overall, we had a lot of fun playing the minigame - Ready Player Barry. I'm definitely glad we all stuck it out together.
Worst Moment of Round - FML, don't ever go full r**ard and go all military. We suffered early doors to be sure and, though we reaped the rewards once teched and all green, we still had no ability to set up alliance attacks or defence. With nothing to block land loss, nothing to flak our LETs bar privates or fight enemy LET flak bar F117 (until maickesh bribed SA), we were literally firing RPG/Striker/Harrier/Sniper/Ranger/Apache/Marine and it's just the worst. In my head i'd envisioned that nobody would want to play harrier and we migth have 1 Harrier, 5 RPG and 6 striker or something similar and have loads of bribed SA - this obviously did not happen. I can imagine the flipside might have looked intimidating, 100's of mil rangers/harriers/apache but i didn't look forward to big BRs.
From the Barry perspective, we felt like the final resistance BR should have happened and I heard Cryo on the podcast talk about it (the BR that could have been, not the one that did happen) being a stupid BR but I disagree. It would have been brutal, but it would have been brutal on both sides and we had the land advantage, not the activity or resendability-willingness advantages. You have to work with what you have. Additionally, to the point about it not being the solos' responsibility to drive the alliances to resist - that's nonsense. If you want to beat the r1 ally then it's on you to drive morale and attacks, the Barrys didn't care about it at all. Consequently getting smashed from a few different sides when we did take that BR was pretty brutal but we probably deserved it for dumping on the resistance, though i am thankful to DC for not sending too. So that was a bit of a double blow for us, but otherwise all good.