Defending against TTB
Defending against TTB
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[range] 23,141,846 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 51,778,707 hostile staff.
[range] 65,530 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 711,006 hostile staff.
[range] 15,545,507 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 136,368,011 allied staff.
[range] 7,204,075 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 15,305,072 hostile staff.
[range] 558,472 allied Assassin attacked, killing 211,642 hostile staff.
[range] 10,157,866 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 2,449,934 hostile staff.
[range] 8,014 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 2,779 hostile staff.
[range] 19,314,444 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 6,608,044 allied staff.
[range] 12,020 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 9,908 hostile staff.
[range] 932,091 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 441,699 allied staff.
[range] 1,119 allied Ninja attacked, killing 1,015 hostile staff.
[range] 1,659,390 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 12,260,460 hostile staff.
[range] 3,934,335 allied Marine attacked, killing 2,008,043 hostile staff.
[range] 2,862 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 1,966 hostile staff.
Distracted: 723,693 [£1,775,736,800] enemies distracted. 143,417,754 [£1,295,345,913,200] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 54,228,641 [£557,539,231,300] enemies disabled.
Died: 29,788,198 [£136,967,230,300] enemies dead.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[r/m] 23,141,846 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 59,375,591 hostile staff.
[r/m] 65,530 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 709,030 hostile staff.
[middle] 15,113,048 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 158,477,052 allied staff.
[range] 6,804,222 allied Striker attacked, killing 2,658,637 hostile staff.
[r/m] 9,789,305 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 36,329,888 hostile staff.
[r/m] 867,110 allied Assassin attacked, killing 737,128 hostile staff.
[r/m] 11,327,010 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 6,481,615 hostile staff.
[r/m] 9,037,528 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 28,716,141 hostile staff.
[r/m] 8,014 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 6,515 hostile staff.
[middle] 19,537,432 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 7,021,265 allied staff.
[range] 6,973,733 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 5,548,368 allied staff.
[r/m] 11,439 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 21,633 hostile staff.
[middle] 906,842 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 461,450 allied staff.
[r/m] 13,416 allied Ninja attacked, killing 27,724 hostile staff.
[r/m] 608,230 allied Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 2,296,026 hostile staff.
[r/m] 1,672,462 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 22,918,043 hostile staff.
[r/m] 3,931,187 allied Marine attacked, killing 4,963,032 hostile staff.
[r/m] 2,839 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 10,267 hostile staff.
[r/m] 903 allied White Knight attacked, slaying 11,988 hostile staff.
[range] 1,579,753 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 3,696,065 allied staff.
Distracted: 737,178 [£4,078,323,600] enemies distracted. 165,959,767 [£1,312,624,543,900] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 65,857,206 [£690,915,622,300] enemies disabled.
Died: 98,668,874 [£977,727,539,400] enemies dead. 9,244,433 [£429,337,351,600] friendlies dead.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[r/m] 12,000,000 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 7,658,719 hostile staff.
[close] 5,502 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 2,549 hostile staff.
[close] 6,891,786 hostile Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 4,587,146 allied staff.
[close] 1,696,737 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 8,631,997 hostile staff.
[close] 412,567 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 418,297 hostile staff.
[close] 2,152,741 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 1,941,134 allied staff.
[close] 20,388 allied Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 58,892 hostile staff.
[all] 20,540,915 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 55,912,664 hostile staff.
[all] 20,885,517 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 203,135,630 hostile staff.
[close] 15,146,880 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 157,970,645 allied staff.
[r/m] 6,263,760 allied Striker attacked, killing 3,427,512 hostile staff.
[range] 6,548,091 hostile Striker attacked, killing 1,459,496 allied staff.
[all] 8,002,534 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 3,134,937 hostile staff.
[all] 623,521 allied Assassin attacked, killing 227,961 hostile staff.
[close] 9,865,419 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 741,764 hostile staff.
[close] 8,221,442 hostile Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 2,504,296 allied staff.
[r/m] 10,308,053 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 2,779,170 hostile staff.
[r/m] 6,754,344 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 4,679,472 hostile staff.
[all] 2,988,566 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 1,189,518 hostile staff.
[close] 19,494,452 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 7,176,326 allied staff.
[middle] 3,787,699 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 3,108,809 allied staff.
[close] 2,434,526 allied Yob attacked, disabling 408,431 hostile staff.
[close] 3,741 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 413 hostile staff.
[all] 10,358 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 2,858 hostile staff.
[close] 946,676 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 652,800 allied staff.
[r/m] 11,942 allied Ninja attacked, killing 6,900 hostile staff.
[r/m] 591,195 allied Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 412,853 hostile staff.
[r/m] 1,498,162 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 604,415 hostile staff.
[range] 823,086 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 1,287,063 allied staff.
[close] 1,489 allied White Wizard zapped 229 hostile staff.
[middle] 586,732 hostile Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 298,770 allied staff.
[raised] 114,933 new nanobots were assimilated.
[all] 3,388,395 allied Marine attacked, killing 1,789,633 hostile staff.
[range] 1,356,714 hostile Marine attacked, killing 1,361,579 allied staff.
[all] 2,031 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 932 hostile staff.
[middle] 415,511 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 1,129,782 allied staff.
[close] 241 allied Private attacked, killing 21 hostile staff.
Distracted: 205,490,616 [£1,090,833,944,100] enemies distracted. 174,832,347 [£1,623,959,865,300] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 59,159,570 [£677,147,182,200] enemies disabled.
Died: 30,575,581 [£1,385,775,846,100] enemies dead. 8,645,499 [£451,141,371,300] friendlies dead.
Converted: 114,933 [£4,827,186,000] friendlies converted.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[r/m] 10,798,372 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 4,399,833 hostile staff.
[close] 5,269 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 1,137 hostile staff.
[close] 1,149,794 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 18,988,299 hostile staff.
[close] 375,799 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 371,262 hostile staff.
[close] 20,368 allied Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 258,211 hostile staff.
[all] 414,702 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 1,417,668 hostile staff.
[all] 20,391,666 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 226,736,513 hostile staff.
[middle] 5,168,699 hostile Striker attacked, killing 491,748 allied staff.
[all] 12,656,836 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 39,961,277 hostile staff.
[range] 7,704,984 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 33,700,802 allied staff.
[all] 890,533 allied Assassin attacked, killing 559,652 hostile staff.
[range] 930,844 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 915,990 allied staff.
[close] 9,262,502 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 10,171,076 hostile staff.
[r/m] 1,247,465 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 515,628 hostile staff.
[r/m] 6,418,529 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 19,661,232 hostile staff.
[all] 2,967,358 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 1,190,163 hostile staff.
[close] 4,268,284 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 32,555,656 allied staff.
[close] 2,920,441 allied Yob attacked, disabling 513,078 hostile staff.
[middle] 149,498 hostile Grenadier attacked, killing 414,679 allied staff.
[close] 4,122 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 5,252 hostile staff.
[close] 13,094,346 hostile Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 58,420,834 allied staff.
[all] 10,396 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 8,093 hostile staff.
[r/m] 24,684 allied Ninja attacked, killing 22,877 hostile staff.
[r/m] 422,930 allied Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 604,578 hostile staff.
[all] 52 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 426 hostile staff.
[middle] 773,340 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 10,768,249 allied staff.
[close] 1,480 allied White Wizard zapped 913 hostile staff.
[close] 3,563,053 hostile Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 14,700,560 allied staff.
[raised] 1,297,116 new nanobots were assimilated.
[middle] 2,457,459 hostile Marine attacked, killing 2,362,748 allied staff.
[all] 1,549 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 2,375 hostile staff.
[all] 398 allied White Knight attacked, slaying 3,443 hostile staff.
[close] 730,893 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 10,498,803 allied staff.
[close] 126 allied Private attacked, killing 47 hostile staff.
[close] 1,901,422 allied News Van attacked, distracting 177,983 hostile staff.
[close] 94,465 allied Cloner attacked, bribing 99,995 hostile staff.
Distracted: 238,656,227 [£1,651,010,585,400] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 2,709,837 [£37,678,844,600] enemies disabled. 58,420,834 [£152,906,018,800] friendlies disabled.
Died: 84,204,952 [£778,760,620,400] enemies dead. 106,409,235 [£1,054,782,054,800] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 99,995 [£2,084,200,000] enemies bribed.
Converted: 1,297,116 [£54,478,872,000] friendlies converted.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[range] 12,286,732 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 5,948,108 allied staff.
[close] 4,858 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 4,303 hostile staff.
[close] 563,310 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 11,167,671 hostile staff.
[close] 1,924,964 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 1,919,764 hostile staff.
[close] 162,005 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 176,662 allied staff.
[close] 19,004 allied Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 290,505 hostile staff.
[m/c] 472,921 allied Mummy attacked, killing 466,538 hostile staff.
[all] 394,613 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 1,419,784 hostile staff.
[all] 19,615,730 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 224,033,469 hostile staff.
[close] 4,625,685 hostile Striker attacked, killing 1,480,181 allied staff.
[all] 7,938,475 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 19,881,315 hostile staff.
[all] 12,128,294 allied Vampire attacked, killing 19,714,072 hostile staff.
[raised] 1,766,578 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[middle] 6,262,255 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 21,476,934 allied staff.
[all] 467,234 allied Assassin attacked, killing 173,535 hostile staff.
[middle] 690,003 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 488,394 allied staff.
[close] 7,842,335 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 743,697 hostile staff.
[r/m] 130,235 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 33,562 hostile staff.
[r/m] 1,555,683 allied Gargoyle attacked, killing 2,301,839 hostile staff.
[all] 2,819,585 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 938,260 hostile staff.
[range] 1,299,938 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 5,002,837 allied staff.
[all] 3,357 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 5,101 hostile staff.
[close] 2,981,966 allied Yob attacked, disabling 1 hostile staff.
[close] 73,436 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 3,585 hostile staff.
[all] 8,765 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 6,312 hostile staff.
[r/m] 11,222 allied Ninja attacked, killing 12,134 hostile staff.
[all] 5,134,604 allied Werewolf attacked, killing 2,129,809 hostile staff.
[raised] 159,579 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[all] 42 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 69 hostile staff.
[close] 737,358 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 11,418,903 allied staff.
[m/c] 12,412 allied Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 10,775 hostile staff.
[raised] 4,494 new nanobots were assimilated.
[close] 2,691,742 hostile Marine attacked, killing 3,490,863 allied staff.
[all] 795 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 899 hostile staff.
[r/m] 6 allied White Knight attacked, slaying 9 hostile staff.
[all] 818 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 3,531 hostile staff.
[close] 38 allied Private attacked, killing 3 hostile staff.
[close] 163 hostile Private attacked, killing 108 allied staff.
[close] 33,336 allied Cloner attacked, bribing 13,868 hostile staff.
Distracted: 227,645,805 [£1,578,488,779,900] enemies distracted. 176,662 [£527,592,600] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 1,747,437 [£8,055,818,300] enemies disabled.
Died: 55,867,300 [£966,156,968,100] enemies dead. 49,306,328 [£818,845,351,800] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 13,868 [£1,082,747,000] enemies bribed.
Converted: 1,930,651 [£32,443,471,000] enemies converted.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[middle] 8,540,025 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 4,355,576 allied staff.
[close] 876,382 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 1,003,259 hostile staff.
[close] 126,710 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 1,655,306 hostile staff.
[all] 7,529,381 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 3,857,260 hostile staff.
[close] 7,108,163 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 5,936,437 hostile staff.
[close] 18,722,416 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 19,494,208 allied staff.
[m/c] 391,717 allied Mummy attacked, killing 405,201 hostile staff.
[all] 262,289 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 905,244 hostile staff.
[all] 20,560,682 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 226,175,782 hostile staff.
[all] 4,487 allied Striker attacked, killing 356 hostile staff.
[all] 5,901,403 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 7,961,984 hostile staff.
[all] 8,503,586 allied Vampire attacked, killing 10,228,364 hostile staff.
[raised] 749,100 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[close] 4,392,019 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 6,188,970 allied staff.
[range] 5,124,674 hostile Vampire attacked, killing 4,030,670 allied staff.
[raised] 490,691 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[all] 278,081 allied Assassin attacked, killing 89,828 hostile staff.
[close] 561,402 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 226,197 allied staff.
[close] 13,299,767 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 4,529,725 hostile staff.
[r/m] 6,274 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 1,105 hostile staff.
[r/m] 817,508 allied Gargoyle attacked, killing 616,051 hostile staff.
[all] 1,888,807 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 554,042 hostile staff.
[middle] 631,736 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 596,200 allied staff.
[all] 4,905,338 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 4,297,993 hostile staff.
[r/m] 517 allied Grenadier attacked, killing 334 hostile staff.
[close] 16,735 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 5,468 hostile staff.
[all] 259,809 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 203,830 hostile staff.
[r/m] 6,402 allied Ninja attacked, killing 4,471 hostile staff.
[all] 3,010,372 allied Werewolf attacked, killing 915,256 hostile staff.
[raised] 40,249 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[range] 267,054 hostile Werewolf attacked, killing 648,625 allied staff.
[raised] 6,550 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[all] 574 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 995 hostile staff.
[m/c] 12,802 allied Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 7,517 hostile staff.
[raised] 3,363 new nanobots were assimilated.
[all] 6,273 allied Marine attacked, killing 8,618 hostile staff.
[all] 531 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 557 hostile staff.
[all] 1,945,993 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 6,671,146 hostile staff.
[close] 16 allied Private attacked, killing 5 hostile staff.
[close] 14,341 allied Cloner attacked, bribing 41,130 hostile staff.
Distracted: 238,403,075 [£2,043,784,631,400] enemies distracted. 19,494,208 [£54,404,587,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 911,817 [£4,054,179,600] enemies disabled.
Died: 36,721,242 [£1,355,495,313,400] enemies dead. 16,046,238 [£594,440,066,800] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 41,130 [£429,557,000] enemies bribed.
Converted: 792,712 [£13,133,071,000] enemies converted. 497,241 [£8,014,806,000] friendlies converted.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[close] 798,195 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 311,515 hostile staff.
[close] 80,095 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 1,579,038 hostile staff.
[all] 6,951,306 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 2,673,226 hostile staff.
[close] 6,208,472 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 5,946,816 hostile staff.
[close] 15,633 allied Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 223,559 hostile staff.
[m/c] 342,747 allied Mummy attacked, killing 371,402 hostile staff.
[middle] 919,890 hostile Mummy attacked, killing 992,230 allied staff.
[all] 362,813 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 1,011,492 hostile staff.
[all] 24,038,166 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 281,050,567 hostile staff.
[all] 4,322 allied Striker attacked, killing 2,486 hostile staff.
[range] 6,185,469 hostile Striker attacked, killing 3,005,519 allied staff.
[all] 4,590,393 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 24,329,828 hostile staff.
[all] 6,316,394 allied Vampire attacked, killing 26,974,312 hostile staff.
[raised] 654,886 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[all] 263,131 allied Assassin attacked, killing 296,913 hostile staff.
[close] 18,270,074 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 6,756,988 hostile staff.
[r/m] 7,744,784 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 5,805,932 hostile staff.
[r/m] 453,807 allied Gargoyle attacked, killing 1,482,505 hostile staff.
[all] 2,851,156 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 3,046,478 hostile staff.
[all] 4,238,350 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 24,552,302 hostile staff.
[close] 1,789,178 allied Yob attacked, disabling 204 hostile staff.
[r/m] 504 allied Grenadier attacked, killing 337 hostile staff.
[r/m] 259,878 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 95,467 hostile staff.
[r/m] 6,196 allied Ninja attacked, killing 2,154 hostile staff.
[r/m] 2,920,147 allied Werewolf attacked, killing 1,074,995 hostile staff.
[raised] 40,041 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[middle] 8,720 hostile Werewolf attacked, killing 31,979 allied staff.
[raised] 203 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[r/m] 516 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 1,108 hostile staff.
[range] 546,946 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 8,477,370 allied staff.
[middle] 15,403 allied Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 4,122 hostile staff.
[raised] 1,885 new nanobots were assimilated.
[r/m] 6,074 allied Marine attacked, killing 988 hostile staff.
[r/m] 487 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 71 hostile staff.
[r/m] 1,386,044 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 281,904 hostile staff.
Distracted: 297,207,831 [£1,823,307,877,600] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 7,041,187 [£141,519,575,000] enemies disabled.
Died: 83,627,691 [£655,717,962,000] enemies dead. 12,507,098 [£284,277,164,000] friendlies dead.
Converted: 696,812 [£11,558,371,000] enemies converted. 203 [£5,075,000] friendlies converted.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[close] 798,195 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 509,907 hostile staff.
[close] 62,138 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 1,211,073 hostile staff.
[m/c] 5,098,837 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 1,796,770 hostile staff.
[close] 5,095,182 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 4,826,752 hostile staff.
[close] 15,633 allied Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 220,398 hostile staff.
[close] 563,038 hostile Mummy attacked, killing 629,102 allied staff.
[m/c] 21,968,182 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 61,053,815 hostile staff.
[m/c] 24,038,166 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 170,993,872 hostile staff.
[m/c] 3,650 allied Striker attacked, killing 2,259 hostile staff.
[middle] 3,948,010 hostile Striker attacked, killing 2,422,605 allied staff.
[m/c] 4,345,841 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 427,369 hostile staff.
[m/c] 244,662 allied Assassin attacked, killing 70,406 hostile staff.
[close] 18,270,074 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 1,649 hostile staff.
[middle] 17,206,430 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 2,899,423 hostile staff.
[m/c] 2,851,156 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 719,123 hostile staff.
[m/c] 3,599,455 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 652,885 hostile staff.
Distracted: 177,051,303 [£1,227,022,575,600] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 64,173,636 [£497,194,717,200] enemies disabled.
Died: 4,160,762 [£204,806,174,600] enemies dead. 3,051,707 [£176,346,983,400] friendlies dead.
Battle Report - Defending OUR MEMBER
[close] 4,022 allied Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 187 hostile staff.
[close] 55,553 allied Spike Trap impaled and killed 1,193,546 hostile staff.
[close] 351,698 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 290,727 hostile staff.
[close] 15,633 allied Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 256,876 hostile staff.
[close] 21,968,182 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 61,826,010 hostile staff.
[close] 4,729,904 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 51,152,156 hostile staff.
[close] 2,947 allied Striker attacked, killing 1,875 hostile staff.
[close] 3,157,222 hostile Striker attacked, killing 226,114 allied staff.
[close] 4,151,963 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 20,383,144 hostile staff.
[close] 230,790 allied Assassin attacked, killing 246,656 hostile staff.
[close] 5,008,746 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 18,894,937 hostile staff.
[close] 969,810 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 298,075 hostile staff.
[close] 1,265 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,526 hostile staff.
[close] 199,125 allied Yob attacked, disabling 30,726 hostile staff.
[close] 72,515 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 2,261 hostile staff.
[close] 6,738 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 256 hostile staff.
[close] 304 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 16 hostile staff.
[close] 416,272 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 5,855,044 allied staff.
[close] 13,800 allied Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 1,134 hostile staff.
[close] 5,318 allied Marine attacked, killing 892 hostile staff.
[close] 325 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 52 hostile staff.
[close] 52 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 8 hostile staff.
[close] 5,365 allied Cloner attacked, bribing 1,648 hostile staff.
Distracted: 70,636,338 [£239,242,690,400] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 62,115,873 [£145,406,869,600] enemies disabled.
Died: 21,828,849 [£82,425,723,600] enemies dead. 6,081,158 [£62,422,245,900] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 1,648 [£194,260,000] enemies bribed.
All BRs are on one target