Counting the bodies | R30


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
After a lot of action in forums and in game seems both sides (TBA and resistance) took a break to count bodies and lick their wounds so i used this opportunity to get a hold of important members in the top allies to say a few words. Here is non TBA side as i'll give TBA a chance to see the acusations and resistance's trash talk so they can come back with the best reply. After all they're outnumbered ! :D

Starting with Polo from War? Huh:

DarkSider: So it seems resistance gave up, and TBA is easly dominating by their massive combined score and to be honest i don't think if they stay together there is any chance all 3 of them to die.

DarkSider: You think the 3 allies will get full credit or just the top alliance for winning ?

Polo: None of them will get credit. They're pretty much a bunch of people so desperate to win that they'll do anything to do so. Even if they're not having fun (which everyone in War? is) .

DarkSider: How do you cope with defending ? They attack all together or just send random attacks desperate to get a grab on the few targets in range ?

Polo: They keep trying to "mass" us and fail epically everytime. Most of the time they either run away or die. I don't even know why they bother. A bunch of noobs, the "good" players are the ones without targets :p

DarkSider Any last words ?

Polo: To TBA: don't spend the next 51 days being bored as hell just to get a win (that none will give a **** about anyway) - do something interesting!

And then for some extra warming up let's light TDL and see their opinions:

<DarkSider> Do you see TBA falling by the end of the round if they don't break up ? Or even will it be another resistance ?

<Ogluk> honestly, i personally cant see them falling unless they split. A resistance could deny SG a top 3 finish, but bring the whole lot down cant see it happening. I also think its highly unlikely they'll split, now that half of them have been in all the allies or something

<DarkSider> If they do end winning, how much credit you and your alliance will give TBA and how much to the winning alliance of the 3 ?

<Ogluk> I'll still say well done to them, even if it isn't the most challenging of wins, Inimical have done well to stay ahead of the other 2 in land stealing :p Ofc assuming Twigley doesnt engineer it so that Overlude win... which i can see happening.

<DarkSider> Got a last word from thermolamp ?

<Ogluk> hmm, to everyone not in TBA, enjoy the defending, enjoy watching them suicide on defence and most of all, have a great rest of the round :D
Message for TBA .. hmm, they dont need a message, they have each other for company.

Quickly to BW who might not be involved in the situation but his comments are usually funny :p

<DarkSider> What you think of the resistance vs TBA ?

<Blackwolf> Resistance vs TBA was nothing but a laugh. It still is. Polo, Martin,Dachi, f0xx all keeping lots of noise on forums etc. but when they needed to actually do something on field they simply failed. Now they have reversed to yelling on forums and nothing else. They like know themselves that resistance is futile, but wont have courage to admit it or die trying.

<DarkSider> So you think they'll keep trying ?

<Blackwolf> You just never ever think of possibility of losing your war. You close your eyes and give your best shot. It either is enought or it is not. After you have questioned yourself and your doings you simply cant go back.
I am sorry that I couldn't give you anything too fancy and juicefull but it is hard to make lots of stories out of very dull and boring round.

After beeing threatened with extinction for not taking Asmo an interview in first article i had a hold of him this time:

DarkSider: What do you think about the events at top ?

Asmo: I think it's a sad situation when allies have to powerblock and use loopholes and exploits in order to win a round just to be the first winners of a new age. Powerblocks are nothing new so cant fault them for that but the way they used it this round is lower than any I have ever seen.

<DarkSider> You think all 3 will stay together till end ? Or lack of targets and boredom will make them split ?

<Asmo> No, I dont think they have what it takes to stay together. One or the other will decide they want/deserve the win more and then it will be like the old saying, no honor amongst thieves.

<DarkSider> What you think it's the reasoning behind such a big powerblock ? We had 2 alliances working together for a longer period of time and fight it out later, but this one is "a bit" different

<Asmo> I really cant see a reason behind it. It doesnt make sense to give someone a win. Take it and its yours but dont expect me to hand it to you.

<DarkSider> Maybe they wanted a win really bad ? And who is they or who is he ?

<Asmo> I dont even think "they" know who the leader is.

<DarkSider> The initial rumour was that Twigley was the mastermind, but since Inimical is said to be the better alliance i wonder how Twigley plans a win here.

<Asmo> Twigs is smart enough to let someone else be the fall guy :)

<DarkSider> I personally don't see Twigley accepting rank 2. I don't know JJ too well but i guess he is proud enough not to let Twig steal his win.
However, assuming the 3 stay together and one of them wins, what you think they'll get from it ? How will history remember them ?

<Asmo> If they stay together it will be a tainted victory and everyone will remember the 3 tools who gave the big tool the win. And if it is Twigs brainchild, then I know he has a plan for taking number 1. I would if I was him.

<DarkSider> What you think of resistance then ? They gave up too easy ? It might look hard to take 60 members but massing one alliance at a time it's a viable option and i think it might have worked if the pressure was constant.

<Asmo> I think we should of kept it up and went for them one after the other. We should still be doing that now but IMO the main problem with a resistance is that people dont see results right away and they become disilluisoned and give up. They take time to succeed, not just a few days of hits.

<DarkSider> Any last words ? For TBA or resistance ?

<Asmo> Just watch your backs cause this aint over yet. ;)

<DarkSider> To whom is this adressed to ?

<Asmo> both to be honest

You heard it from the man himself, and going to grab Cyrus to say a word for Chance:

<DarkSider> Why did the resistance stop ? You guys had some success and it looked pretty good for a while.

<Cyrus> Not to blow my own trumpet, but no-one else would organise but me, fair play to Martin he helped me once or twice but apart from that it was mainly me motivating everyone, i managed to get 8 allis involved which is why we were successful, and due to SG's defence falling like a pack of cards
I then left for 2 days and everything stopped. SG regroup and TBA switched members to help them out which wouldnt have helped them if we had kept up the resistance.

<DarkSider> So why you didn't give it another go when you got back ?

<Cyrus> in this time i went away for 2 days, we got trashed quite a bit, then they had a go at war huh, and TDL etc .. so we were regrouping ourselves and no-one else seemed really interested.

<DarkSider> You think resistance gonna have another go at them or you just wait and defend till end ?
I actually had a word with SG and seems they're confident they can take the resistance now, got new recruits and Inim and Lude members went back in their wings.

<Cyrus> they really cant we've been rushing them, even inim cant stop our rushes so what chance do they have? ;)
I've promised SG members that i will not let them finish 3rd, they are very cocky and back it up with nothing, they assume the ranks have been decided when far from it right now. If we manage to catch SG offgard we could bring them down ourselves without any help.
As far as bringing all 3 down who knows. Although im sure later on in the round Twigley will wanna kill SG because they are potentially deadweight.

<DarkSider> I don't agree with that, twigley needs a shield to take the bullets for them. If SG dies they are next target for resistance. And imo Twigley still wants to win the round and having resistance on his ass while Inim sits on acres it's not the most apealing idea.

<Cyrus> who said we couldnt take lude out first?

<DarkSider> Well the rumour is SG is the weakest :p

<Cyrus> they are the weakest link. Although tbh i think we could break even inims and ludes defence if we had the numbers we did on SG.

<DarkSider> You think the trio will stay together btw ? or you hope they'll break at one point ?

<Cyrus> i have a feeling twigley will turn on SG. I know JJ wont budge, and SG wont wanna turn on twigley without help from JJ, and JJ wont help SG hit twigley.

<DarkSider> Why not ? maybe Lude will outgrow JJ... and i don't think JJ will just accept defeat.

<Cyrus> twigley wont hit JJ he has no reason to. What he would do is ditch Sg though.

<DarkSider> If Twig wants #1 wouldn't he try things to get in front of Inim ?

<Cyrus> yeah, with the acres from SG :D
And bizarely DA said he would rather die by being backstabbed than to a resistance.

<DarkSider> Maybe his wish will come true then

<Cyrus> i've a strong feeling it will

<DarkSider> If one of them will win however, and the trio remains at top .. how do you think they'll be remembered ? After all a win is a win, right ?

<Cyrus> they will be remembered as powerblocking noobs, 1 alliance will have a poor win and a bad rep to follow, the other 2 allis will be remember by not winning and also have bad history.
Side notes in history books are always the most important. You'll be remebered for the good and bads things you do, but 1 bad thing can crush everything you achieved before hand.

<DarkSider> Any last declarations ?

<Cyrus> Powerblockers are noobs, however big or small they might be.SG will NOT finish 3rd. And .. Watch Your Backs .. who knows when we might strike?

I was about to call it off with Chance but IoF appeared and took the mic to say the big guy's point of view:

<DarkSider> What you think of resistance ? It was weak ? Why did it stop ?

<IceOfire> I thought the resistance was very well organised by Cyrus, he worked hard finding targets for alliances and offliners, but it was only made weak by other alliances lack of help. Cyrus was the ONLY person to organise the hits. No one else did, so when he didnt organise a hit, no 1 stepped up, no1 took his place. It also didnt help with the member switching until that was stopped, but they put FeR and JJ in SG and kinda stopped most of our hits. No rushes were ever organised, we were just lazy.

<DarkSider> I saw in many posts that non TBA players call TBA noobs. You don't think this lack of interest from resistance and alliances which call themselfs better actually says alot about their determination and organization which IS skill ? It makes little sense to me to claim you're better if you don't bring enough facts to back it up.

<IceOfire> Well i think it was more the tactic they used, instead of fronting up and making the round fun (which pre-round it looked like it was going to be) they used a poor tactic. Not only that but the fact even now they have won, they are sticking together. Its like "Enjoy your 60 days of doing nothing and achieving nothing" Its why many members are slowing leaving
They feel no pride, no sucess, no hard word. Its like they are ashamed.

<DarkSider> Yeah but i was asking about those posts where Chance and WH members say their alliance has more skill/is better. You think there are any real grounds for that claim ? Or it's all just a moaning for the tactics they used ?

<IceOfire> Well i think its a bit of both if im honest, i have no doubt in my mind that WH and Chance have more talent to win. But it was very de-moralising trying to take on 3 alliances bigger than us and when you organised a hit on them, having people 300% your size retal you there wasnt much we could do, which is why the moaning started.

<DarkSider> Yeah but the difference was TBA found a way to protect their 1 wing against 5 alliance incoming while resistance doesn't have the strenght and will to attack 5 vs 1 and find a way to win it. Morale is part of skill :p

<IceOfire> Their tactic worked for them, there wasnt much we could do. There sheer numbers that retaled and the size of them. Basically, we hit an alliance bigger than us, the have 2 even bigger ones retal us, stealing more land than we steal. These retals being 300% our size, so we do 60% LET mobs on SG, then they put 5 BIG inim members in the allliance who alone can beat most of our inc, as our mobs were smaller due to retals. We couldnt win

<DarkSider> Well i'll leave it at that tho you have to see that if SG had the same pesimistic thinking "we can't defend vs 5 alliances at a time" ; "there's nothing we can do" the situation was different :p
You think the trio will split later in round ? Twigley must want to win and JJ aswell, no idea about steve but i'm sure he wouldn't say no :)

<IceOfire> Well Steve is happy with rank 3 as SG has never been that high and he knows if the alliances go 1v1v1 he is *beep*. They are useless, so Steve is on the side of "don't break up". Twigs and JJ will both want to win and i think eventually one of them will break it. And i hope its JJ who kills Twigs. Lude have done nothing this round. Inim were strong and held rank 1, did well in flak wars, not a too bad alliance. SG were battling a bit and getting a bit more involved - even if their attacks atm *beep*
Lude have been poor so i hope JJ does smash him. I just hope JJ grows some balls. Anybody who is willing to stay in TBA for a portal rank, should have their legs chopped off. Enjoy 60 days of boredom and WH and chance PWNing you in defence.
I have some moderate respect for Inim, some very gd friends/players in that alliance, but SG are a joke which is what pains me when i see them ranked higher.

<DarkSider> Cyrus said he promised SG won't finish 3rd. You back up that promise ?
<IceOfire> Their n00bish attacks on WH and chance, we are often sharing funny BRs of TBA naabs dying on clear defence. Then they pull the "we want lower score" card out, if you want lower score and more targets, maybe strap some balls on and hit the 2 big alliances either side of you.
The top 10 have *beep* all land, and it wont increase much between now and end of round. So enjoy.
I will do all in my power to make SG's life hell. Dont get me wrong i dont hate these players, just think their fashion of winning and attitude is *****.

<DarkSider> You said 'SG winning' so i take if if TBA ends ranks 1-2-3 you'll think TBA won the round or since the game offers no recognition to winged groups there will be just 1 winner and 2 helping hands ?

<IceOfire> There is 1 winner. Anybody after that is the first loser, 2nd loser and so on. So if they power block to rank 2 and 3 .. congratulations, you have won...oh wait ...nothing.
I just hope for the sake of the game, JJ grows a testicle or 2.
Rated him alot more than *beep* the *beep* of Twigs.

<DarkSider> I agree, and i have a deep curiousity how the feelings inside TBA will change when the end of round gets closer and 2 alliances get jealous of 3rd winning :p

<IceOfire> Aye, the jealous factor of Twigs or JJ who ever is in rank 2 will kick in sooner or later. IF one of them really doesnt backstabb ill be dissappointed. Its a war game, have fun and get kills.
I'd love to see Twigs lose to JJ but not as much as seeing DA being castrated.

<DarkSider> any last words ?

<IceOfire> Yea, anybody who stays in TBA is a score queening *beep* of Twigley and JJ.

Well this guy was on fire :D Thanks all for interviews and stay tuned to hear TBA reply soon :D

Edit: I also wanted a neutral opinion on this and Garrett seemed like the perfect candidate :D Will add here his interview:

<DarkSider> So, you read non TBA interviews, you think any of them is full of *beep* ? :D

<Garrett> well Asmo of course cuz i've never seen discworld organize anything.

<DarkSider> But honestly if Asmo steped in to organize you think players would follow him ? Main quality of an organizer is ppl to have faith in his abilities even if he is required to just cut an onion.

<Garrett> Indeed and as I've never seen him step up to the plate I doubt he could get people to go along with his attack plan. Even if it was the most brilliant thing in the world. DW may have been around for 20 rounds, but I think it's out of sheer comfortability. This is my niche and this is where I will stay.
He mentioned intentions of going for the win. Did he attempt to recruit ftw or expect people to request to join the winning team? I'd like them to get fired up and do something.
But I digress. The people with the most concise statements like polo and ogluk are probably the closest to real events. IoF while going long did have some nice points.

<Garrett> Well IoF can be a contender if he has the motivation, but what I see all too frequently and a big reason for my leaving the game... is that contactability is the norm now. It's like most alliances expect 2-4 people watching 24/7 while everyone else goes and does something. Being contactable used to mean, once in a rare while we'll get you up for emergencies... now people get pranked if someone farts in the channel.
So like the resistances, people will get on and send and then go offline, expecting the organizers to not only set up the attack, but to watch everyone's attack.
Prank EVERYONE if there is a problem, then prank EVERYONE if there is another wave. people just cba to keep up with all that crap.
Used to be... when you had an alliance, you had a big active group and if you were about to be mullered we'd do what we could to notify you and save you.

<DarkSider> Anyway let's stick more to the alliances and players involved in the round.
What you think of TBA and their leaders in particular ?

<Garrett> I really don't see why any of them agreed to a powerblock if there wasn't a plan for someone to usurp down the line.I mean this is the laziest of the lazy we're talking here. So lazy that they had to freeze 10% of the playerbase to make it easy for them to coast. And they all seem happy with the arrangement. How is this a testament to skill? Happily bragging about acres when they've done nothing?
Powerblocking happens. Usually not with 3, it's stifling the round imo.
They have the powerblock, bravo. Now nothing. Ok they powerblocked, but now SG want to 180 saying that they weren't all that good? I just gotta call BS when I see it.

<DarkSider> Well SG told me they have some new kick ass members and can take the whole resistance now.

<Garrett> well a resistance isn't going to work if people aren't going to be online for it. And with 3 alliances working together... is it even worth it to try and resist?
The top 3 wont war. no matter what. they won't expose their flanks for the rest of the game to jump in.
Twigley has lude, but he's just been beating his chest and blowing hot air mainly amounting to nothing. SG did however talk about how easy it was to get acres and ripped your siggy to show how TBA just swarms the resistance.
Now they are getting picked off and they want people to stop having a go at them.

<DarkSider> Don't you think at least closer to end the ego's will want their alliance in #1 spot ?

<Garrett> I think complacency has set in. If they war at the end it will be in the last week. It will amount to alot of nothing as most of them will be wanting to capture a top 50 spot.
It's a crap round filled with crap players. no drive. no emotion. no will to be original or daring.
The only time they show emotion is on the forums, but it's not often and most of it is shamless lies.

<DarkSider> You give Twigley a chance to steal Inimical's top spot even with players desire to portal in individual rankings ? You might be right and there isn't a move done until very late in round. It's been said JJ has the better alliance and Twigs had a slower start so it might be dangerous for them to wish the win too much ^^

<Garrett> I don't know which players are in which alliance so who has the better what is subjective. By rank JJ has the better alliance. Could twigs make a move? Probably, but I doubt it will be direct as he won't have the .... backbone. I see him more trying to organize a wave on war?huh? or whoever is in range and then slipping info on Inimicals real to try and damage their value
I challenge every alliance leader out there to make the round as interesting out there as possible. the challenge falls on mostly deaf ears, but it's expected around here.
I mean if you are expecting Cyrus to mastermind your resistance, your resistance may have issues.
Someone else actually 3-4 someones need to step up and help organize and make sure to keep their ally mates online.

<DarkSider> You think resistance was kinda weak ? I'm a bit anoyed by this "we couldn't do anything".

<Garrett> People care too much about score. They don't think they are powerful enough unless they have at least 10m of their preferred unit
They can't think teamwise enough... yeah I only have 500k strikers and they have 10m bots... but your 500k plus his 500k and someone elses 500k and so on... it will equal the numbers. losing land is a risk of the game. learn that killing troops is better than retaining land at this point and get your enemies dead.
War is a test of will. Whoever's will breaks first, loses. Right now the resistance has no will.
If I cba i'd create a solo account, rush tba the last 2 months with all eta 5 units and do more damage to them. Proving that I'm better than TBA and the resistance single handedly. Slackers.

<DarkSider> Ok what else .. who do you wish to win the round ? :p

<Garrett> I have no favorites this round. I of course wish War Huh? the best of luck, but they had an opportunity to crush SG early and often and possibly changing the outcome of the round. It'd be a better round 10x over if they had tried.

<DarkSider> any last words ?

<Garrett> Thanks TBA for letting me sleep with their girlfriends and moms while they were busy trying to control the round.
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Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Not long after comes TBA reply :

Gonna start with SG who already gave me 2 interviews before i posted non TBA side, then Steve added his reply to first post:

<DarkSider> I think resistance attacks have been aimed only against your alliance. It looked like you're about to bite the dust but in the end you managed to hold it. Say in a few words what happened.
<pin|prank> Well im HL'd on i believe to find mass inc from alot of different alliances. I must say that that first wave was VERY well co-ordinated so congrats to whoever did it (Ive been told it was Cyrus). A few of us were out attacking at the time and due to the scale of the attack it was obvious we weren't going to be able to stop all of them. Due to a few members leaving we were able to disperse a couple of the incomings to Lude and Inim. However the remaining incoming was still very large. SG as a whole actually did very well loosing a few thousand acres but taking very little actual troop damage in that first hit (i believe 1/2 players were caught offline)
The second wave came soon after this (once they were home) and it was during this attack that Azzer implemented the 90 min change, which did leave a few of our members high and dry when it came to defence...that was a blow to the team.

<DarkSider> You took low troops casualties first wave because most of your members had their score in funds/seeds or resistance attacked the online members ?

<pin|prank> At that time we were pretty land fat (having had minimal incoming since the round start) but there were only 1/2 players that were uncontactable at that time

<DarkSider> So, how do you think round will go on ? You think you 3 will stay on top till the end ? Your combined score is overwhelming and if you stay together there are probably little chances to get killed or even get a resistance interested.

<pin|prank> nah, the resistance (or the game in general) hates us so much that they will rally together at some point, and they arent big enough to attempt to take out Inim or even lude. They will hit SG at some point. We are alot more geared up for it now though so we will take losses but deal equal damage. But if they grow enough to take us out quickly (which they will need to do) more of Inim and Lude will be able to hit them, by the time its over they'll be walking like John Wayne for days. Then we'll be able to grow all we want!
<pin|prank> As for us sticking together, there's been some internal drama (but thats for the end of round story) but we've got through that and are stronger than ever! The resistance attacks did band us together after we'd slipped a little. We're far more geared up again now, you havnt seen the last of us

<DarkSider> What do you feel about all this moaning in forums/mirc and all over the place about TBA ?

<pin|prank> I actually find the moaning funny to see people get that worked up about it is comical. Especially from certain people, they can employ any tactic under the sun when they are on top but then the minute someone else does something and is beating them its suddenly "Ruining the game"

<DarkSider> So you think their moaning is unjustified or they are just bad losers ?

<pin|prank> I'll admit its easy for me to say, and it probably sucks being on the recieving end of us. But all this moaning is ridiculous. The round is far from over though! Of course i want SG to do well, but i'm glad im in SG and not Inim. It must be boring as hell up there, most of us still have targets and can have a laugh...we even get the occasional incoming!!!

<DarkSider> On another note, which of you 3 you think will win the round ? Twigley is a proud little man and in my opinion he won't bend over for JJ and give him a free win. JJ had as i was told the best of the 3 wings, and you are claiming to get the things rolling now. I honestly see you 3 together until last tick of the round only if JJ bends over to Twigley for "the greater good" or if Twigley gets so bored that he forgets to login for days/weeks and doesn't care if JJ wins :)

<pin|prank> Twigley is all for the win im sure, but he wont get it. I see the final rankings being much as they are now. Of course JJ wont GIVE twigley the win, and Twigley isnt going to attempt to take it from him. JJs line up is the best, as the rankings show. The only way for twigs to win would be to get more land than JJ and naturally grow higher which is unlikely to happen.

<DarkSider> Any last words ?

<pin|prank> TBH im not arrogant enough to taunt War/Chance or anyone. We're playing well but we've got an advantage. I will say this, dont underestimate us. The past resistance attacks got them some land and bought them some time, but it also rallied us together. We're truly working as 1 again and we'll show it if we need to.
My prediction is Inim/Lude/SG ranks 1/2/3. But bring on Cyrus' little "guarantee" that he'll stop SG getting third. Overall they'll come off worse, THATS my guarentee.

<DA> The resistance are all talk no action. Apparantly we're "****", according to, amongst other people, Polo. And the only reason we're still standing is because we had help from JJ. Well how is it, then, that S_G are still standing despite all Inim members going home 2 days ago? How is it we haven't had any inc? Or lost land to this mighty "resistance"?
Indeed, it was only yesterday Cyrus said, and I quote "I think I'll just wait for Twigley to backstab you"
Interesting, the resistance has gone from "We're going to pwn S_G and they'll never finish 3rd" to "Lets wait for them to kill themselves :eek:"
Cyrus being their main organiser btw, attack wise, without him they all just sit around looking for someone to tell them what to do.

<DarkSider> Didn't you guys post in forums however something along the lines : SG was decimated by resistance in first hours of and you would have died without the members from JJ and twig ? Why the sudden change of tone ? :p

<DA> Any posts, of that nature - were based on the assumption that the resistance was going to keep up attacks for more than 8-10 hours. Which they didn't, because as soon as their main planners have to sleep, it all falls to **** and there's no way you're taking out a powerblock alliance without constant waves over days, not hours.
Indeed, without help from JJ S_G probably would have fallen - but only if the attacks kept up, which they didnt.

<DarkSider> Didn't attacks stopped after you got help ? If i recall right you had severe casualties and where out of your 3rd rank.

<DA> If I recall correctly, the resistance made one more half-assed attempt at an assault after we got 3-4 Inim members in, FeR defended them alone and they pulled.
This conversation, and my stance on this is that I won't allow S_G to be labelled as "****". Whilst we may have had a *lot* of members who were ****, we've shifted that dead weight, and are now stronger than ever.
We were unfortunate that we had so many inexperienced/inactive players, but that doesn't mean we're all crap :)

<DarkSider> You think if you 3 stay together you have a chance to win #1 by outgrowing Inim and lude ? Or maybe the **** hits the fan and you might get ahead somehow ^^

<DA> No - we still have the problem that a fair number of our players are relatively small in size, but nowhere near on the same scale as when the resistance first came. OL and Inim have, simply, more experienced/active players, vs those who aren't.

<DarkSider> Gimme some last words.

<DA> Competition this round is stiff. Nobody is disputing there is a great deal of skill and experience in Chance and War Huh? My only problem is when people make unjustified remarks that generalise unfairly. (Like "S_G is ****, Period.")

<Steve_God> only bits I can add are that SG 'were' **** at the time the resistance, and that the fact we got raped down to Rank 6 in only a few hours showed that, however we have recently 'cleared out the crap' as such and let those go that weren't up to scratch to prevent a resistance being quite as effective again.

<DarkSider> are you aware that all other alliances combined (rank 4- 33 have 1.1 mil acres while your powerblock has 800 ? you have almost half of the acres in all the allies .. you really needed more strenght ?

<Steve_God> well land/score wasn't the main issue, it was more a case of contactability, which as others have mentioned, is what the game is all about now. Some original members had no number to be contacted on, or no irc highlights, and they were a weak spot in SG. It was fine originally with the starting intention of the ally, however since the rise of the rushes on us, and the threats of "SG not finishing Rank 3" it was a sensible option. SG at present face more threats of incoming from a resistance than Ini and Lude combined... so it would be foolish to not prepare for what may come in the rest of the round. (Although it'll probably be quite fun!)

<DarkSider> You still want your alliance to win ? :p

<Steve_God> SG won't win... we don't have as many players of the high calibre that Ini and Lude have (we do have them... just not quite as many), so I see a win as being a part of assisting a TBA wing to win, even if it meant not being Rank 3. It would be nice for SG to be the lowest of the 3 wings, but unless something unsuspecting happens later in the round, it's not likely to happen.

This grannies have alot of stories to say :p Finally got a hold of twigley after:

<DarkSider> So, it apears ppl are still disliking TBA tactics and don't give you much credit for the possible win you'll get. You think their side has some truth ?

<Twigley> Last round. Exitlude. Meant to be the resistence. Ended up just pwning to the top. Same thing happened this time. Except we used noobah tactics. Yeah there is truth in it.
Powerblocking is noobish.
But when you powerblock with our so called noobs ... dunno how noobish it is

<DarkSider> However "lude" might have pwned at the top last round but this round they're ranked 2nd for now :p You still want to win or you're happy with second spot for the greater good if you can't outgrow JJ ?

<Twigley> All i see, and i have said this countless times to my members and the other leaders, is the group im involved with, and will be untill the end of the round, has 800k acres and about 530b score. To me it doesnt matter who rank 1,2,3 is.

<DarkSider> It won't make a difference when at round end Azzer will post "Congratulations to Inimical for winning" ? :p

<Twigley> No... who cares about that? :p And who says me and JJ dont have other plans?

<DarkSider> Well you saw the interviews, how do you respond to ppl's flames against TBA ?

<Twigley> The whining makes it worthwhile. That is all ::p

<DarkSider> Is it worth it to be remembered as "powerblocking noobs" tho ?

<Twigley> Im not going to powerblock in a round. And then backstab my friends just so the whiners get their own way.
Last round i was "voted" best alliance leader and my alliance was best alliance ... now after 1 round of this i am powerblocking noob who never had any skill + a noob. Makes me happy :p

<DarkSider> Bush is a small community, especially alliances at the top. Most are friends and still in previous rounds they sided temporary and broke up later and fight it out. Isn't that a backstab too ? What's different to TBA ?

<Twigley> Their choice. We dont wanna do that. Just because some people did it in a certain way in the past dont mean we have to follow suit. We lead our alliances, we dont let the forums lead them.

<DarkSider> Some said you are just desperate to get a lazy win as you saw :p

<Twigley> Desperate and lazy? No. Just played the round how i wanted.

<DarkSider> Ok well .. anything else you want to say ?

<Twigley> Well just wanted to say. I would play the 20 members i have now in any future rounds and still be confident of coming near/at the top. Most of the players i have now have won 2/3+ rounds and have been with me plenty of times ... you could say they are now a "core"...
Good luck to everyone else this round.TBA members - thanks for sticking at it.And why has Blackwolf been given an interview? He is the biggest FAIL this round. All talk no actions also.

And last but not least the current alliance at top with JJ saying a few words:

<DarkSider> You saw there are many anti TBA interviews, how you reply to those flames ?

<JJbrosandjl> Well tbh, let them flame, they have a reason to, so it's probably better to let it out.
As for being arrogant... I try to tell my members to maintain a good attitude when it comes to dealing with people on the forums. But it also seems that some of the other people in other alliances are pretty hypocritical.

<DarkSider> You think their cause it's justified ? At a quick calc you have 800 k acres while all other allies rank 4-33 have combined 1.1 mil so you have almost half of acres from all alliances.

<JJbrosandjl> I think their cause is justified, but, really, some of the insults they through around are quite childish.

<DarkSider> Does it make a difference to you if on portal page your name will be under twigley's alliance ? I mean it's said your alliance has the pro's but your big members can't get more acres when there are 60 mouths to feed so you might get outgrown.

<JJbrosandjl> I don't think it'll make too much of a difference. Most people will think back to this round and remember it as "the worst round ever" But lets face it, people forget things eventually
And even if they don't, then whatever :p I can have plenty of fun playing as a solo ;)And to be HONEST .. I don't even play for the win..

<DarkSider> Yeah but i think the point of an alliance and duty of a leader is not to offer their members a round that "people will forget eventually"

<JJbrosandjl> Valid point, but they are enjoying themselves here. Those players who do not want to be labeled as TBA already left. I gave them a choice to leave or stay in TBA and I respected their decision.

<DarkSider> Well tbh they might enjoy their size and power but for rest of the round which is close to 2 months they gonna just plant seeds when it's sunny. Maybe they are not stressed/anoyed but i don't know about happy/enjoying the round :p

<JJbrosandjl> hmm yea. Guess what happens happens then. I bet most players are looking forward to a round off anyways :D

<DarkSider> any particular interview you want to pick on and post a reply to ?

<JJbrosandjl> yea
"<DarkSider> any last words ?
<IceOfire> Yea, anybody who stays in TBA is a score queening *beep* of Twigley and JJ."
Ha, last words, that means he's about to die :D

"If you have beef, take it up with me in #quake"
I don't want to stir up any more **** in this round :p Cause everything I say will just provoke a huge arguement .. So meh! Don't worry, be happy ;)

This is all, enjoy the read :)
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Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
First I read "interview with important people" and then I see an interview with BW. Then I stop reading.

moderated by atsanjose: reason: troll/flame
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Mar 10, 2008
stop cryin already.

moderated by atsanjose: reason: troll/flame
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Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Jan 11, 2008
Polo said:
Polo: They keep trying to "mass" us and fail epically everytime. Most of the time they either run away or die. I don't even know why they bother. A bunch of noobs, the "good" players are the ones without targets

I have no targets ;)


BW said:
Resistance vs TBA was nothing but a laugh. It still is. Polo, Martin,Dachi, f0xx all keeping lots of noise on forums etc. but when they needed to actually do something on field they simply failed. Now they have reversed to yelling on forums and nothing else.

Asmo said:
Asmo: I think it's a sad situation when allies have to powerblock and use loopholes and exploits in order to win a round just to be the first winners of a new age. Powerblocks are nothing new so cant fault them for that but the way they used it this round is lower than any I have ever

Loopholes and exploits, care to elaborate? We used a very simple "exploit" that let us transfer members from wing to wing when we needed defence, we weren't the first alliance to do this (we were however the last :p)

I don't see whats so awful about using a mechanism that Azzer knew about from day 1? If it gave us a massive advantage that advantage would have been foreseen and the loophole closed earlier.

Any other exploits we used??


Cyrus said:
SG will NOT finish 3rd



IceOfire said:
I'd love to see Twigs lose to JJ but not as much as seeing DA being castrated.

Rofl, harsh!


Jan 2, 2008
Good stuff, some solid reporting there!

I didn't even know there was a resistance :eek:


Official Helper
Community Operator
Jun 3, 2008
First I read "interview with important people" and then I see an interview with BW. Then I stop reading.

wooo that means you got past my interveiw xD
i must be important then

lol :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
down with mod oppression in the politics arena!

looks like the round is much ado about nothing.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
I don't know why people will say this is the worst round ever. So far I am enjoying myself a lot more than I have for the past 15 rounds. This will go down as one of my favorites. Who cares if your not winning, as long as I get some cool BR's I am happy.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
I don't know why people will say this is the worst round ever. So far I am enjoying myself a lot more than I have for the past 15 rounds. This will go down as one of my favorites. Who cares if your not winning, as long as I get some cool BR's I am happy.

Now here is someone who has the right idea. :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
ah but who asked for right ideas in the politics forums? this is about politics not about how the game should be played :)


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Jan 11, 2008
I have a great amount of admiration for your contributions here DS.

Truly, well done :)


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Note:Not posting these BRs to gloat in any way.

We just sent a vaguely organized hit against WH (We being TBA as a whole) and instead of defending they pretty much all retalled against JJ. Was a pretty amazing amount of incoming, i know its not particularly accurate but the nobreakspace info read:

incoming scores said:
Total Current Score: £103,904,732,493 incoming hostile. £143,146,905,588 incoming friendly.

at one point.

Anyway, Inim middle ticked the incoming and these were the results (from our POV ofc):

Middle Tick: Died: 1,421,045,693 [£14,020,413,525,700] enemies dead. 177,894,382 [£8,169,191,246,500] friendlies dead.
Close tick: Died: 206,416,212 [£11,647,356,651,900] enemies dead. 114,503,245 [£5,934,616,383,000] friendlies dead.

Anyway, I post these values (i dont have the whole BRs atm sorry) not to boast (i wasnt even involved but genuinely to say well done to both the guys at WH, you did a fair bit of damage yourself as the underdogs against a much larger enemy, so congrats!

I'll say this as well to WH, you confused the crap out of us...we were in the leaders channel like "WTF, Surely they're gonna recall and defend"...i seriously expected some sort of crazy scheme which would leave us all, you succeeded in that respect (confusing me!).

Fools in IRC said:
<pin|prank> im very confused
<pin|prank> this doesnt seem right...
<pin|prank> something fishy is going on


Anyway, nice battle tho those involved!!!
