Cards on the table | R30


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
What's this ? Bushtarion recent events near the top as they happened or as the interviewed players claim to.
The intent of this 'article' is to hype the things at the top while also allowing the players not involved in those battles to have an idea of those happenings and hopefully enjoy a good reading while doing that :D Please keep in mind that some of the 'bad talking' was insistently asked for to spice the things up a little and add to the drama so don't over react replying to that :p

So here we start with the former rank #1 alliance which is now ranked #5 - War? Huh? lead by Martin.
I interviewed Polo and since he was a bit poor on the trash talk i had to ask Tana to complement him in this interview. Thankfully when Tana is requested for an adrenaline shot, Tana delivers.

DarkSider: So Mr. Polo, can you tell me in a few words what happened and the reason your alliance felt from rank 1 ?
Nick: Twigley's allies massed us, and apparently got random people to send too. Six allies sent, or so I was told, at least 3.
DarkSider: Who are the 3 who sent for sure ?
Nick:JJ, Twigs and SteveGod ( Inimical, Overlude, Sexeh_Grannies )
DarkSider:And Chance is neutral at r2 ? ( IOF's ally )
DarkSider:OK, any words about situation ? Like your feelings about them jumping on you ?
Nick: I think it'll make for an interesting round
DarkSider:Do you have an idea about the land movement ? How much you guys lost from attacks and who got most of it ?
Nick:from the first attacks when it was 3 vs 1 we broke even. That was saturday. Don't know how much we lost Sunday. We retalled Saturday and just killed their flak Sunday.
We retaled 3 allies in the same time, didn't knew who's in which alliance.
DarkSider: Did you had a big acre lead over them ?
Nick:eek:n saturday we were about 25k and them all 15-20k and it stayed about the same. Then yesterday we went from 40k to 30k. And now they stopped as we have lethals.
DarkSider: Can you estimate the casualties you did to them ?
Nick:about 40m flak
DarkSider:that must hurt
Nick:nah, they all have mass flak, they can afford it. JJ has 30m gard and 9m CG

DarkSider: I need drama.
<harriergirl> how about we eagerly lined up at the start, and used our skills to leap ahead of acres in the beginning, only to have the other allies get jealous of us and gang up 6 to one to take away our hard earned land ?
DarkSider: Now you're talking.
<DarkSider> So you think they got jealous of your acre count and couldn't stand them beeing smaller and decided to bang on you
harriergirl> Oh def, twigs said for sure that if the top ally kept getting bigger they were asking to be waved
<DarkSider> So what are your feelings about twigs ?
<harriergirl> as an op I will refrain from talking about twigs
<harriergirl> but you can say that we are confident enough in our skills and talents to not be fussed about the land loss
( note that she did try to resist and show her official side only but i pushed her some more :p )
<harriergirl> Twigs is a *censored*, I'd like to bend him in to a pretzel so he can smell his own *cough icecream*
<harriergirl> I'm glad he has untalented soldiers who will follow his attacks blindly
<DarkSider> Aha, so you're saying that even with their wings you have enough skill in your ally to fight and win against their numbers right ?
<harriergirl> I'm saying that no matter the outcome our skill is greater as they have to rely on numbers to beat us .. or try
<DarkSider> What do you feel about this war ? You see yourself winning it alone ? Or you might try to find help ?
<harriergirl> from a soldiers perspective I don't know how we will fight but I have confidence our leaders haven't given up the fight ;)

Let's move to the side inflicting the pain, we'll start with Sexeh_Grannies and Steve_God:

<DarkSider> I heard from several sources you guys are part of TBA with the main leader twigley, how you comment on that ?
<Steve_God> Twigley is leading another alliance, that may or may not be a part of TBA :p
<DarkSider> So you deny your alliance beeing part of TBA ?
<Steve_God> I can say that my alliance has been working with other alliances within TBA. Whether Sexeh_Grannies is a part of TBA or not however, won't be found out today :)
<DarkSider> But did you attack War? Huh? with Inimical and Overlude ?
<Steve_God> On Saturday night, the attacks on Martins ally came from 5 different alliances, if I'm honest, I've no idea which 5, but us, Inimical and overlude got the ball rolling, and two other allies got involved too. We allocated each allies a few ids to hit, and went from there. Last nights was jointly organised between my ally and Inimical
<DarkSider> Just the 2 ? Or you have no knowledge of others hoping in like say .. overlude :p
<Steve_God> Not that I'm aware of. Overludes communication with S_G has been pretty much non-existant since the attacks on Saturday night.
<DarkSider> Ok so, there was a mass attack recently on War? Huh? You guys got involved ?
<Steve_God> We did yes. Several mass attacks to be honest :p
<DarkSider> And how did the attacks go ?
<Steve_God> Well there was one mass attack after just over 24 hours... went well, but nothing spectacular... then last tight there were 4 large scale waves (I only made 2 before falling asleep) and all very successful in turns of gaining land, with minimal losses. We've seen very little retaliation ... only the occasional incomings from those higher up, but nothing unexpected.
<DarkSider> So you took quite some acres from them .. can you give an estimate of the profit from this war ?
<Steve_God> I haven't got record from the Saturday night attack, but from last nights, the first wave, S_G gained 1,500 acres, second wave a similar amount and not sure about the following two waves, but we're still gaining acres overall. Probably say S_G have gained maybe 3/4k acres from them over all of yesterdays attacks on them.Unsure of any of the other allies we were working with though.
<DarkSider> What are your feelings about War? Huh? How would you call the mass attacks on them ?
<Steve_God> Just assisting each other in gaining some fairly easy land.
<DarkSider> So it wasn't a desperate move as you got scared they are pulling away with the round ? You just wanted some piece of those easy acres ?
<Steve_God> It's hard to say how well they have been so far, as when it's still the flak wars, if you send 4 attacks, and one lasts, it's still a result - whereas the truth will be told when the lethals start appearing, and those 3 other mobs end up getting destroyed :p
But they are regaining their acres at a fair pace, and still remaining a strong contender.
<DarkSider> Do you have long term agreements with Overlude or Inimical ?
<Steve_God> No long term agreements... as I say, I haven't spoken to Overludes leadership in close to 2 days now, and with how fast Inimical are pulling away, we may soon cease to continue working with them.
<DarkSider> ah that's good to hear :p So what are grannies aim this round ? You plan on winning valuation or just to be involved in the early wars ? Maybe you have a grudge against another alliance and your sole aim is to destroy them till end ?
<Steve_God> Lets see... Main aim as always... to bring comedy to the masses. For a shameless plug, we are updating our alliance picture roughly every day with a new 'GILF' image for all to perve over :p
<Steve_God> In turns of Grudges... BlackWolf.
<DarkSider> So you hereby declare war on them ? Or just your hostility towards him/virus ?
<Steve_God> He claimed that we have used spies to get ID lists, when we haven't. So he's my only grudge this round. Just general hostility towards him. If he keeps being an idiot on the forums, then more may happen ;)
<DarkSider> Give me some drama
<Steve_God> "If BlackWolf doesn't start realising that co-operating with other alliances in the short term is the only way to go, then he'll never make it back up to the top."
<Steve_God> "If the Inimical leadership keep slagging off our GILFs... we will get the lube out, and head will roll!"
<Steve_God> "If BlackWolf doesn't start appreciating the beauty of GILFs, we will have no option but to destroy him!"
<Steve_God> "If anyone dares mock the GILF way... we shall march in our masses armed with Zimmer Frames, Motorised Wheelchairs and saggy old people making sweet love to the sound of your destruction!"
<Steve_God> Closing words... "GILFs For Life!"
"We will have spy scans at approx 9.00 GMT on the 18th - all other allies will need to be prepared by then ;)"

Well this one didn't need much convincing to start a fire, watch out the force is strong in him :)
Moving on to the current #2 alliance Inimical and JJ:

DarkSider: So i heard you guys are part of the TBA formed by twigley. Do you deny that ?
JJ:Originally that was the "idea" but I haven't seen twigs in a couple of days and communication really hasn't been that good
DarkSider:So to your knowledge you're still part of TBA until the relation is officially broken ?
JJ:Hmm.. well there isn't really any point in attacking any of them, since there is so much more easy land out there
DarkSider says: So, you recently mass attacked with up to 5 allies Polo's alliance. What was the reason for it ? Would you call it a resistance 1 day into the round ? Or was it a bash ? Powerblock ?
JJ:Well, at that point we were still co-operating with each other closely and they were pulling out really far ahead. I don't think it was 5 though .. and I would call it a resistance to be honest.
DarkSider:So, how it was for your alliance this attack? You got some acres?
JJ:They basically starting hitting players from all over. Since their entire alliance used the same tactic, it was easy to find their ids over the 60 players we had. We found their ids pretty quick, and hit them. Overlude and SG had a really slow start, so it was basically a seesaw battle between inimical and War?huh? Land grabs were pretty much even, but we slowed each other down.
It was attacks back and forth between us and War?huh? Since twigley and SG's alliances were really inactive. We tried to get help but got none. Then when they started logging on, we hit them together.
DarkSider:So first day you said you just slowed eachother down, nobody had a profit. Second day was better - Sunday ?
DarkSider:Can you estimate a profit ?
JJ:3k ish?
DarkSider: What do you think of War? Huh?
JJ: If they want a win they have to work for it.
DarkSider: How do you predict the round will go on ?
JJ:We want to win valuation, naturally, as for the three alliances, I will probably work with them, but I do expect a fallout to happen. If it does, we'll be ready to fight.
DarkSider: You're considering to ask other allies to help you during the round ?
JJ:perhaps. I've always worked with IoF's ally over the rounds ,so we'll see what happens.
DarkSider:So you know about Virus and their wings ? What are your feelings about that ?
JJ:They don't stand a chance
DarkSider:lol, very confident there
JJ:Well I mean come on. I saw IoF's line-up, I saw most of martin's line-up, I know the line-up in our three wings, Who can they have?
I expect to see them being involved in the near future, and may even affect the results of the round.
I also got a threat from f0xx
DarkSider: Oh, what did he say ?
JJ: <f0xx> I will teach you once my PBs are out. He's not pbs tho.
DarkSider: So, you give much chance to Chance to win ? As they're not in the trio but you're friendly with IOF ?
JJ:Let's just say they have a CHANCE at winning
DarkSider:You love Iof more than twigley ?
JJ:heh, depends. The only thing I'm pissed off about right now is the land cap.
DarkSider: Gimme drama
JJ: "Just because we don't have big names, doesn't mean we suck"
“I never expect to lose. Even when I'm the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. quotes (American best selling writer, author of Life's Little Instruction Book)
That quote pretty much sums it up
DarkSider:Any last words you want to add ?
JJ: Yes. "Stop complaining about how much flak I have"

And quickly moving to the 3rd from the happy group, Overlude for which i interviewed Davis:

<DarkSider> So to your knowledge your alliance is part of TBA ? If so which other alliances are part of it as you know ?
<Davis> well that was originally how twigley planned things to be but things seem to be coming apart with different allies wanted to do different things. So currently were kind of on our own.
<DarkSider> Your alliance was involved in the mass attacks on War?huh? How would you define this attacks on them? Resistance, bash or powerblock ?
<Davis> Actually, we were asked to take part in it but since we had a late start Twigley decided that it would be best for us to separate from the attacks and continue with randoms, but individuals may have sent. I see it as more of an resistance, in case you weren't paying attention, they shot up fast, and had an almost perfect start, and were pulling away fast, something had to be done, and it wasn't just TBA that hit them, chance, Affliction, Evo, and others. The veterans as a whole decided if something wasnt done it could be another one of those old fasioned days when someone pulls away at start and stays there whole round.
<DarkSider> From lude's view - was this 2 day war a profitable war ? Can you estimate how much acres you stolen ?
<Davis> It really didn't even last two days a few of our members took place in 1-2 attacks if that, we probably stole around 1k acres, they defence was crap, almost free land. and they did retal, and i think we lost about what we stole.
<DarkSider> I'm not sure if Lude was involved in second day of attacks - on sunday ? Do you recall if your guys massively helped then ?
<Davis> I can say we either didn't help or helped very little sunday. twigley was highly agaisnt it "no need to start a war if we can get land on randoms".
<DarkSider> So what you think of War? huh ? They are fighting alone so you have some admiration for them or you want them to burn in hell so you can win ?
<Davis> naturally we want the win, and they are in the way, alls fair in war. I don't know about the alliance as a whole, but i know that i love martin, polo, f0xx :p and i've heard martin say nice things about Twigs so they cant hate eachother i guess.
<DarkSider> But assuming War?Huh? would die, you might have to fight JJ and Steve to get #1. You thought of any plans for that ? You think you'll need outside help or the 2 that first agreed to kill the 3rd will fight it out ?
<Davis> We want to win, so we will have to see how the current agreement goes. It will be a fun and interesting round.
<DarkSider> On another note, what you think of the comeback of Virus ? They have 2 wings as aparently many know by now.
<Davis> haha, i've made *my* opinion on this clear. Blackwolf said this before the round
" <Blackwolf> Some guy is so desperate even game has not had even wings for rounds and makes 3 alliances and you even join him.
<Blackwolf> So I am pretty damn sure this guy is so desperate he would spy others too."
<Davis> he started Wings, He kept the around with Canes Purgances, and other times, and then he talks crap when others make wings that dont benifit him. Then the next thing you know he has a wing. I find that sad, and etrememly hypocritical, therefore *I* no longer have respect for him.
<DarkSider> You think virus and BW can affect the outcome of the battles at top ?
<Davis> Overlude doesn't seem to care about him, until he becomes a threat he's just another ally. Currently no i don't, but things change
DarkSider: Any last words?
Davis: *much love* to Lukey's sister

Moving fast to Chance, the other alliance which so far claims to be holding on their own.
I interviewed IoF from them and here's how it went:

<DarkSider> Recently War? Huh? was massed by several allies. I heard at least 3 allies where involved. You guys had a slice of them ?
<IoF> nope,not once.
Chance are going FTW with no power blocks ;) seems a bit easy to do that.
Mass attacks on polo were a bit early, i can see why they were done. Him being seen as the biggest threat to Bush Army. But sure a power block of 2 and 3 are my biggest threats.
Working together short hand is fine, happens every round. But long term will make a boring round.
<DarkSider> Ah cool, so you hope Polo's will be able to hold their own, you applaud their effort to fight alone vs bad odds.
<IoF> Yea, for Polos alliance to still be standing on high acres and rank 3 atm is pretty good. They have a good line up and im sure most have had worse in their days. He is doing very well.
<DarkSider> So how was your round so far ? You been growing in peace ?
<IoF> Well i wouldnt say we have had peace, but we have had an easier run ATM than Polo. But as spies will be out in the next couple of days im sure things will liven up dramatically. But yes his acres have been split between TBA.
<DarkSider> What are your feelings about BW and about virus with it's 2 wings ?
<IoF> Well as i made it clear earlier, the idea of having more than 1 wing i find a bit...weak and boring. Quality not quanity is what im about.
<DarkSider> He gave me an interview in which he acused you and your alliance of using dirty tactics infiltrating a spy in their alliance - anything to say about that ?
<IoF> Yea ill tell u the truth. A certain player approached me for a space, as he was the only night cover with one other. Said their leader was laggin and often no where to be found. Taking the round WAY to seriously and wasnt happy. I gave him a space and i wanted IDs. I never planted a spy. We hit them, we had to keep up with WH/TBA. Wouldnt say it was dirty.
<DarkSider> He holds a grudge against you and seems pretty determined to make your alliance pay for that. Would you consider that a threat ?
<IoF> Time will tell

And last but not least Virus (Etheral and Royal Flush) with Blackwolf as leader.

<DarkSider> So i heard you are running 2 allies, is that true ?
<Blackwolf> As people used spies to get my 2 alliances IDs being as afraid and as unhonorable as one can be in this game Why would I denie of having more than 1 alliance?
<DarkSider> So about the mass attacks on War? huh ?, where you involved ?
<Blackwolf> I have no sides to that, we were not involved by any other means than what I have discussed with other leaders of those happening, not one attack launched from us, not asked to be involved and wouldnt have involved to help Twigley and his 3 alliances.
<DarkSider> So you hereby say that you will never help twigley's powerblock this round ?
<Blackwolf> Hell yes I will, if they attack IceOfFire and his Chance, which before round started wanted to allie us against Twigley, then planted a spy to our alliance took all our IDs and launched well planned mass attack on us which has continued 18 hours now, gets attacked we are more than happy to join and help Twigley. Ohh forgot to mention spreading those IDs around the game.
<DarkSider> So it's ok for me to mention that If twigley or others want help vs chance you're all up for it
<Blackwolf> Ofc its cool
I was asked before round started by IceOfFire to help him to take down twigley which I agreed to join. If your alliances IDs would be stolen by spy I think you wouldn't let them go either.
<DarkSider> So so you plan on winning ? Atm i don't see your allies too high on acres so no idea of your lineup. Or you just want to make sure Chance won't win and you want to get some sweet revenge as your only goal ?
<Blackwolf> Yeah we try to win, but more than that we try to enjoy of our time playing this game and to that doesnt sit spying etc. desperate measurers. We have strict rules of what we dont do and to those belongs stuff like spying, massing and bashing etc. That ruins others fun. Ofc we may alliance attack and on war we mass and bash, but we see that as different situation.
<DarkSider> Gimme some drama, a nice line i can quote with your feelings about Chance.
<Blackwolf> Nah sorry. I think they are good bunch so I really have nothing to say. We will kick their ass when time comes on battlefield and that will be enought "punch lines" for us.
<DarkSider> So what you think of War? huh ? They are fighting aparently all alone vs TBA now (3 allies).
<Blackwolf> They are cool. Going alone vs 3 is always honorable. Martin is good leader and we shall see how their war goes, ofc they have some problems against such large numbers but well we shall see. I still think they are one of most honorable alliances around and have nothing bad to say of them. Not even if
<DarkSider> Ah cool, i suppose you can't say same about TBA ? Any words in particular about them ?
<Blackwolf> Whatta hell is TBA?
<DarkSider> Supposedly twigley's wings.
<Blackwolf> Guy is so arrogant he makes his groups name based on bushtarion. That is just very unimaginative and boring. If he wants to make group sure let it be, but all this "I dont have wings" " We are community" stuff is just so lame. Getting balls and admitting to have 3 wings and then playing fair round with those without spying etc. that I could respect, this not. Desperate to recruit 10% of players of game that is already low on those.
<DarkSider> They spyed aswell ? I mean i don't know what you refere to when you say you can't respect them. It's because their 3 allies ?
<Blackwolf> To my knownledge they have used spies too, and I couldnt respect them cause of their 3 wings and the way they brought those to game yet denieing it all.
I must say that I am most disapointed to Steve_God I wouldn't have ever expected him to go this low. I used to have some respect for MILF hunters, but that is long gone now.
<DarkSider> Ah, but if in this article they won't hide they have 3 wings it might change your feelings ?
<Blackwolf> No it wont change. Balls is not to admit something when you have been busted, that is just what small kids do. Balls is to admit things when you are suspected, or to stand up and defend what you have said earlier let it be a lie.
<DarkSider> Well not taking their side now but i do vagualy remember that in the recruitement post Twigley made last round with TBA he said something like they might have many wings. Old forums are gone so i can't check.
<Blackwolf> All in all Twigs played this the way no alliance or leader in any game should act towards others. Either you stand tall and take all the crap others throw at you of aving 3 alliances or then you better live with things, shut up and not comment at all.
Yet he and his alliance mates defended him week before round start with stuff like "I have only one alliance" "TBA is community not alliance" etc. I have logs.
<DarkSider> You mind sharing ?

I'll select the relevant parts from the 3 pages of quotes he sent me :D

"Twigley> TBA is full of noobs with a few EXP players helping them understand the game with a cool route set up and a good community. BW - STFU."

"<+Twigley> <Blackwolf> Ohh yeah TBA, noobs, working with 2 other allys to win for twigs... makes it so less unfair doesnt it. I wonder why that TBA is not fighting as its own alliance, isnt that the idea of alliances? Specially new alliances. Where did those 2 other allys go, thats still pretty big number of current player base.
<+Twigley> Thats not true."

"<Blackwolf> Twigley: So you denie that you have 3 alliances?
<+Twigley> BW i have 1 alliance"

"<+Twigley> TBA has members from diff allies
<+Twigley> Bush forums suck we made our own
<+Twigley> We have friends
<+Twigley> We talk
<+Twigley> We share ideas"

"<+Twigley> I lead 1 ally
<+Twigley> End of story
<+Twigley> Bw, i dont have wings
<+Twigley> I lead 1 alliance."

<DarkSider> any last words ?
<Blackwolf> Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

Ok that took so many hours it's not even funny. You guys better like it or else :p
So like i said hope this will spice the round a little bit, plenty of gossip and alliances revealing their stance, feelings to other players and grudges to alliances.
Originally i wanted to completely edit the interviews but i had no idea how so i just left the newspaper interview model but i hope it's nice :)
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Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
I commend the honesty as a fellow player, chaps.

Just hope the general concensus of TBA shown here of 'We won't be as one all round' is true.
I'll not ***** or complain about the actions, I just hope that it won't go beyond it's necessity.




Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
Aye, I support what Martin said, I enjoy every minute of the game. We've been at war since day 1 and most of the time against a force which is multiple times bigger than us and to be honest, it is a compliment that you need 6 alliances starting a resistance at day two to take us down :)

[edit] Just one more thing to add:

I also got a threat from f0xx
DarkSider: Oh, what did he say ?
JJ: <f0xx> I will teach you once my PBs are out. He's not pbs tho.

[23:51:41] <f0xx> Can I just ask you one question?
[23:51:44] <JJ|War> No
[23:51:49] <f0xx> Oh come one...
[23:51:55] <JJ|War> Can I just ask you one question? -> That was your question
[23:51:58] <JJ|War> And I answered no.
[23:52:17] <f0xx> Oh, you are starting to become arrogant, I will teach you once my PBs are out.

I should have put a smiley in the end, it was a joke really, not a threat since you guys had hacks at that time. Besides, everyone knows I suck with PBs.
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Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Im loving the drama! There are a few things untrue in that article (which is to be expected) but its a good idea! Maybe the record will be set straight soon...

Cant wait for the round to really get going!



Jan 1, 2008
Aye, I support what Martin said, I enjoy every minute of the game. We've been at war since day 1 and most of the time against a force which is multiple times bigger than us and to be honest, it is a compliment that you need 6 alliances starting a resistance at day two to take us down :)

[edit] Just one more thing to add:

I should have put a smiley in the end, it was a joke really, not a threat since you guys had hacks at that time. Besides, everyone knows I suck with PBs.

I said it to DS as a joke too you [insert comment] :p

Mods if you are going edit, at least make the sentence make sense :p
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Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Like i said, really great a bit more involved this round but for the past few rounds i havnt been in amongst it too much so its great for people who arent involved to be able to get an idea of whats going on... (or what some people want you to think is going on ;-))



Official Helper
Community Operator
Dec 15, 2007
I say well done!!!
next issue though: DW and its FTW quest, R20, plan of action.



Jan 26, 2008
Nice reporting! :)
Anyways I read most if not all of it and I will say the same thing BW did.

<Blackwolf> Whatta hell is TBA?


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
TBA = The Bushtarion Alliance

Inimical, Overlude and Sexeh_Grannies


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Lappeenranta, Finland (Wolf territory)
Isnt it the bushtarion army?

Actual conversation went like this:
[06:54pm] <DarkSider> Ah cool, i suppose you can't say same about TBA ? Any words in particular about them ?
[06:54pm] <Blackwolf> Whatta hell is TBA?
[06:54pm] <DarkSider> twigley's wings
[06:55pm] <Blackwolf> They are called TBA?
[06:55pm] <DarkSider> the bushtarion army
[06:55pm] <Blackwolf> Rofl what name.


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
good work, but i wanna know where DS stands on this, is he solo?

DS is a cheerleader and roving reporter of only mildly biased standards!

great fun DS, keep up the reporting, false or not, trivial or important, this is fun! Good ideas mate.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Jan 11, 2008
Excellent post DS, we need more guys like you.

Um, also a side note.

Harrier Girl said:
<harriergirl> I'm glad he has untalented soldiers who will follow his attacks blindly

HG, Twigley didn't arrange the waves on WH? over the weekend. Nor did he endorse them, if I recall correctly.

Everyone just saw land and thought , ang on, loads of land? No LET? Let's go.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Keep it polite. There is obviously going to be disagreements on this thread but no flaming or trolling please