Recent content by Bengy

  1. B

    Looking around I don't know why I'm back..

    But here I am. Seems the game is going into oblivion but I'm here to ride it into the darkness. Hey all :D
  2. B

    [Taken] Top 75 PoM seeks home

    Cba to waffle, i'll just be concise, PoM (NV just devved) GMT+1 (uk) IRC 'active' (not on much when solo like now) played alot of rounds, never done exceedingly well but i put that down to always defeneding. Its more like top 50 now ive gone up a few ranks. Am taken now!
  3. B


    Has anyone else noticed the subtle change to the 'other' section of the options on the left hand side of the page? # Other: * Portal * DofGames Vote * Manual * Wiki * Forums * Donate Looks like azzer is seeing if people are willing to help fund the development of bush...
  4. B

    Multiple, Simultaneous, Free Rounds

    This suggestion popped into my head whilst reading this forum thread from the creators day. The Problem is that Quite a few people think that the round is too long and that it should be shortened, which got a prompt 'no' from azzer as...
  5. B

    Changed Enemies list

    Currently lots of people think that the enemies list is useless because of the abundance of routes and players that easily kill you or you cannot attack so..... My Ideaa is: The enemies list should be a list generated randomly every X days(i was thinking between 3-5) with say 5 Ids with...