Round 38 - Award 'Discussions'


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Everyone should play a part in keeping their score.

By that logic you should have kicked Jake who suicided on us 2/3 times this round completely. You should have your own leader kicked for suiciding on us 2/3 times and just being really land fat with crap troops. And you should also kick Grissom for just suiciding on us now.

And Dre looked inactive from start to finish. But i guess Recon was too scared of kicking him and QS and John leaving.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Kent UK
CF - I wasn't a big fan of your kicking.. You weren't really inactive.. You logged on, you just didn't do anything.. ^_^ So I'm sorry for that..

Ed - It doesn't matter if we've won.. The alliance would fall apart if everyone just logged on and let rushes and attacks overtake the alliance.. Everyone should play a part in keeping their score. You might not think we ever get attacked, but we did, and it only takes getting through once before people get bold and try again.. with more. Everyone was told at the beginning of the round, by myself and Angela, that they were going to help cover a bit so it doesn't end up just being us 2 all the time.

Shadowbane - I hope he does.. I sent Azzer a message on Facebook, hopefully he checks in sometime in the next few days..

Don't try and portray it as anything other than Recon and a few others being hungry for easy land. We weren't even 20/20 when I was kicked.

Several of those kicked were active enough to cover defence, it's just many of us couldn't be arsed sending pointless eta 7 attacks at RIF. If we weren't going to help Recon land on RIF, then he'd get land through us another way.


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
Everyone should play a part in keeping their score.

By that logic you should have kicked Jake who suicided on us 2/3 times this round completely. You should have your own leader kicked for suiciding on us 2/3 times and just being really land fat with crap troops. And you should also kick Grissom for just suiciding on us now.

And Dre looked inactive from start to finish. But i guess Recon was too scared of kicking him and QS and John leaving.

and hey! you managed to completely miss my point.. I don't give 2 ***** if they suicide.. as Long as they spend a bit of time on watch.. and since its 2am.. I think I'll keep any other comments to myself.. I don't want to make anyone cry.. I tend to get a bit mean when I'm tired.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
So the point in staying on to watch is to stop meaningless rushes that most likely wont happen and be tiny in size so nobody loses a few troops here and there. (RiF dont rush you at all)

Yet you dont mind if they lose 100% of their staff (10 trill, 15 trill, 20 trill, 25 trill at a time) by suiciding, some of them repeatedly.



Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
yeap... because the rushes DO happen, and they often contain geos..

So now we have rushes, with geos, are we to just let everyone and their mothers land? You've been in a top alliance before twigley, you KNOW what its like.. I don't know why your playing naive.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
You don't kick 2/3 people from an alliance just because they are not active enough to notice a few random rushes that barely ever get sent that 16/17 others should be able to see.

You just dont.

Ive been in top alliances and led top alliance and had the power to KICK in the top alliances and ive kept people who are inactive as sin because our alliance didnt need 20 people contantly refreshing to see for rushes. They have contributed to the alliance being in that posistion and because of a few rushes they get kick raped?

Youre living in a dream world if you think thats normal top alliance behaviour.
Or maybe you havn't been in them much before.
I can tell you it isnt from being in them and the reaction of everyone else should tell you that too.

You've had one of the easiest rank 1's i ever remember.
The 2nd biggest alliance doesnt even care about you at all and the rest are tiny players.
To kick rape the original members who helped you get there from a few random rushes ... Laughable.

We get far more inc than you and i have players who have gone inactive for weeks at a time but because they have helped the alliance get to that position, i realise the round is 76 days long and keep them.

Wake up and realise your leader is inexperienced.

EDIT: I dont really care what you guys (Klepto) do this round and havn't really since tick 1, i just thought i'd comment on the fact that alliance has had people suiciding left right and centre and being just land fat with little troops while the people at the top of the alliance keep them safe. Youve barely had an inc from us because we are playing our own game with our own interesting route set up and not against people who are hell bent on winning. As a leader of past top allies before, i dont think you were right to kick those players and you can justify it all you like but i dont think anyone will agree with you.
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Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
I'm a strong believer in everyone contributing... I've never let someone go inactive in one of my alliances before without a good reason. Perhaps I just have high standards? But I'm not going to change them, so I suppose everyone can consider this a warning - If I'm leading/co-leading an ally that plans on competing... I'm very strict on my standards. Military training ftw ^_^


Dec 14, 2007
You play a game to win and you know its going to be boring when you get there, even with the ones with targets at eta 5, if you dont log on to send attacks out defend for weeks why the hell should someone else sit there and defend your ass?. Even at the start people had to pranked on to send attacks out and to recall, but if you got hit and no one was around to refresh to tell you of the incoming people would be the first to moan yet wasnt willing to put in the time. Win or lose why should a few have to do all the work? why would you care if you was k/r if you never logged on to play the game anyway. I mean one of the people recon kicked didnt even notice till 2 weeks later?. Guess when i play the game i actually like to log on and play the game not expect everyone else to do the work for me but then maybe me and lucky are the odd ones out and the rest of you like to be carried to the winning spot and get upset when it doesnt happen.


Feb 20, 2008
So the point in staying on to watch is to stop meaningless rushes that most likely wont happen and be tiny in size so nobody loses a few troops here and there. (RiF dont rush you at all)

Yet you dont mind if they lose 100% of their staff (10 trill, 15 trill, 20 trill, 25 trill at a time) by suiciding, some of them repeatedly.


All of klepto is contactable, so if someone is online and sees incs they can get others on. It doesn't matter if they have troops or not because other people do.
Suiciding is part of being rank 1 alliance, you know this. It gets boring having hardly any targets so people loose score and have lulz.

If we never suicided you would probably call us scorequeens.


May 20, 2008
Basically it all comes down to everyone who is in a position to win has to be contactable all the time.

And that is why there are only about 30 people who could ever be in a winning ally.

And that is why the player base is eroding.

It's always the same story every round. But there have been past rank 1 allies where once the deal was done, people didn't need to be as active.

Kick them then. K/R is just stupid, but will always happen.


Dec 14, 2007
Yeah i can see how k/r would be stupid after all if we didnt rape them we could just sit around and wait for them to send at us or allow another alliance to hit them and take all the land that we have spent all our time defending ... i agree totally stupid to rape them.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
Yeah i can see how k/r would be stupid after all if we didnt rape them we could just sit around and wait for them to send at us or allow another alliance to hit them and take all the land that we have spent all our time defending ... i agree totally stupid to rape them.

Your sarcasm button needs a pre-use warning, as I had trouble picking up on it there til at least the 300th read-through.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Kent UK
the rest of you like to be carried to the winning spot and get upset when it doesnt happen.


Myself and Silence were integral to Klepto's offensive capability. You'd likely still be smacking your heads against Omni without us. Not in Klepto any more tho. Daniel and Kieran were, and in every alliance I've ever seen them in, highly active and useful players during the important part of the round. Not in Klepto any more.

Please stop BSing about you carrying us up there. Plenty of members still in Klepto (Janppe springs immediately to mind) have been carried the entire way.

When players help you win the round, disrupting their sleeping patterns for you, staying up 12+ hours at a time, and then once the round is won they decide some rest is in order, the very least you can do is maybe have a quiet word with them before hitting the kick button.

And don't get me started on the rushing thing. I can only really speak for myself (I'll admit kieran was useless), but I at least was still defending against rushes and pranking people on after we'd won. The only thing I wouldn't do was waste my time on eta 7 hits on RIF. But unfortunately that's all certain members really cared about.