Strange moderating

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Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
I posted a legit suggestion on the suggestion board, absolutely free of any flamebait or inappropriate language, and one moderator moves it to spam?

I thought the suggestion board was for suggestions meant to improve the game?

As for me reposting, it was just that when I didn't find the thread to add further comments, I thought I, as I have done earlier, had just pressed preview instead of posting.

I will not repost the suggestion here, but I have notified Azzer of this, as I find it hillarious that a moderator moves a suggestion from suggestions to spam, and not even notifying the original poster!

If the said moderator disagree with the suggestion he could freely post a reply, rather than do what he did. Ironically it just puts my original post in perspective.

Now Garrett informed me that everything regarding the said subject of the original thread should be dealt with per PM, but that is not mentioned anywhere I could find. And the moderator in question could as easily have just replied with that information and if need be closed the thread, rather than move it....
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Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
All this pressure on moderators it's rather childish imho. They get nothing in return, they're willing to invest some of their time and effort to look over the forums and often they're thrown **** at like nazis etc doesn't matter if you don't agree with one of them they are all useless.

If somebody doesn't agree with one action than find a moderator to ask or message Azzer about the possible abuse. You and others want to be mods to improve the forums ? I don't like to be rude without a reason but if you think a bit you ain't even a mod and all you guys do is try to start riots and fill the forums with bs threads in the name of a campaign to make it a better place.

The mods aren't perfect and never will, their decisions might often be different to yours but i'm sure that you can find more subtle and friendly ways to contradict and question one action than start all this propaganda against all the nazi mods/ops all the time you don't like something.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
A thread, posted in the suggestions part of the forums, that contains nothing but;

Enrico said:
.as Azzer closed the thread in gripes, I bringeth the obvious solution to poor moderating here: Make Enrico a moderator!

*cue applause and jubilation*

Is not anything but spam. And if it was actually, by the remotest smidgen margin of some weird alien planet, actually serious, then a moderator that request to become a moderator in such a way would likely not make a very good moderator - any sensible person would have PM'ed me asking if I was looking for any new moderators, giving me a bit of information on themselves, their skills, past experience, and why they wanted to become a mod, and hope for the best. Not created a public thread on the section of the forums designed for players to discuss amongst themselves and get feedback and brainstorm with eachother on ideas for the game.

And it has to be said... a potential "future moderator" wouldn't be the sort of person to post a spam thread and then actually be suprised enough that it got moderated to create a further thread on the subject in the gripes forum...

So, nyer nyer :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Hillsville VA, USA
All this pressure on moderators it's rather childish imho. They get nothing in return, they're willing to invest some of their time and effort to look over the forums and often they're thrown **** at like nazis etc doesn't matter if you don't agree with one of them they are all useless.

If somebody doesn't agree with one action than find a moderator to ask or message Azzer about the possible abuse. You and others want to be mods to improve the forums ? I don't like to be rude without a reason but if you think a bit you ain't even a mod and all you guys do is try to start riots and fill the forums with bs threads in the name of a campaign to make it a better place.

The mods aren't perfect and never will, their decisions might often be different to yours but i'm sure that you can find more subtle and friendly ways to contradict and question one action than start all this propaganda against all the nazi mods/ops all the time you don't like something.

DS your problem would be solved if Azzer had concrete rules instead of the ones written in silly putty. and its not one action it's a series and pattern of behavior that has pervaded throughout the years.

regardless of the Nyer Nyers. The playerbase has cried out for years for more consistency and honesty regarding the rules and we are continually handed a limp dick and told to go play with it.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
All this pressure on moderators it's rather childish imho. They get nothing in return, they're willing to invest some of their time and effort to look over the forums and often they're thrown **** at like nazis etc doesn't matter if you don't agree with one of them they are all useless.

If somebody doesn't agree with one action than find a moderator to ask or message Azzer about the possible abuse. You and others want to be mods to improve the forums ? I don't like to be rude without a reason but if you think a bit you ain't even a mod and all you guys do is try to start riots and fill the forums with bs threads in the name of a campaign to make it a better place.

The mods aren't perfect and never will, their decisions might often be different to yours but i'm sure that you can find more subtle and friendly ways to contradict and question one action than start all this propaganda against all the nazi mods/ops all the time you don't like something.

DS I see you take my post in the worst opinion.

I just believe any and all moderators should be at least a bit service minded? It would have been very easy for the moderator in question just to correct me on a PM, and delete the whole thread, rather than moving it, with out saying anything.

And I have apologized for the subsequent double post, I honestly believed I had pressed preview rather than post, as that has happened before.

Lets not make this into a specific case, its the whole concept of moderating with a friendly smile, and a good tone I sometimes feel is missing.

I have personaly worked as a moderator on one of Norway's largest news forums, ( for some years and believe you me, I know tempers can get flared, but never the less, it doesn't hurt to keep a friendly tone. Moderators have an important job to do, and they are only human, but the same can be said of football referees. :)


Dec 14, 2007
Pennsylvania, US
It's ok, Enrico. I've made a few posts after some mods that just didn't like what I had to say and they have been deleted when they were free of anything negative about the game or any player.

Simply just stating my mind in a constructive manor and all they seem to care about atm is what is on their minds and stop all other peoples points of views that aren't sitting well with their own.

Unfortunately that's just the way it goes in any game and in the end you just kinda of have to deal with it. We can complain all we want but in the end we don't have the power so it's best to let them go about their ways and just keep things to yourself about such matters. Save a load of trouble in the end.

And I wouldn't say the rules are set in "putty" either HG. All rules need to have some give and take because there are plenty of ways around rules. Some things are a bit more loose than others but you can't be too firm or too soft which is why the term "Putty" may not be a bad thing in some cases. It sets a balance to everything that is needed.

I think it's more of taking advantage of a power given to people that should be a bit more open to all the shades of gray instead of just seeing it in their own worlds of black and white. Being able to listen and judge a situation without letting personal feelings/ideas get in the way is what makes someone good staff in a game/forum. These things also take time those of us without the power just need to let the new people in these power positions time to find their balance.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
And i still don't get why it was "spammy"... I didn't critique the existing moderators or try to start an argument. It was a honest suggestion, that my services were available, and Garretts reply in the original thread was informative enough.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
regardless of the Nyer Nyers. The playerbase has cried out for years for more consistency and honesty regarding the rules and we are continually handed a limp dick and told to go play with it.

One thing I've never understood is... you sometimes sound like you love rules you think rules should be adhered you hate the idea of no rules and inconsistancies, and yet...
"10.1 - Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again or nonsensical posts that have no substance...."

And yet when a moderator moderated out posts that were nonsensical/had no substance on this thread;

(which I have since re-allowed, as they were good humoured/good natured and not ruining the thread, and I've spoken to the mod that did it too, and posted a thread in the moderator forums giving some more guidance as to when to apply the spam rule, and when not to apply it, to help allow for "humour"), your comment was;

"and deleting the coloured posts, no matter how childish they were, was overzealous. "

You see it's all well and good having rules, but let's be honest, the majority of the time it makes far more sense for people to use common-sense, judgement, and experience, than to rely on rules... great example above is when the rules were followed but this was bad, and a bit of human nature was needed instead.

I would rather have consistantly human moderators, than constantly robotic moderators that follow rules because players cry out for rules and enforcements. Robot moderators would be nazi moderators (look at Squiffy ;) ) :p

On another note, the currently active moderators that are able to cope with moderating without having "Moderator rules", have settled in great... it's rare anything crops up anymore, and for some moderators nothing bad has ever cropped up, they've simply modded to a way that suits the mood of the forums and the playerbase... which goes to show not every moderator needs to have their hands held and strict rules to follow to make a good moderator! I guess some people need rules, some can just cope with common-sense... and the ones that can't cope with common sense will get weeded out of the staff over time and as the community demands :D


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
the moderator in question could as easily have just replied with that information and if need be closed the thread, rather than move it....

this is the only thing i want to touch on in this thread. if a newbie went on the same train of thought as Enrico (about any subject), then instead of getting any response/notification they come back one day and can't find their thread or find it in spam... so they are like wtf? why is my stuff automatically moved to spam? and then walk away and never post again.

all I'm saying is that there are some rough edges and user unfriendliness (like can we get a link back to the game somewhere on the index page? or have i gone blind and totally missed it? is it possible to do that with vbulletin or maybe set a daily event reminder and put in the URL to bush?) that could use some smoothing out.

I believe the big mod recruitment thingie was a sticky and then either deleted or went away? so there is no actual post or direction on how to apply for forum mod or any other type of position (helper, op, etc)

I think some assumptions are being taken for granted and I believe it to be an honest mistake. So that's why I just want to say that I agree that forums is an area that could use some polishing. I'm trying to help by cleaning up my own behavior. I don't think that some folks, like Enrico, come here to gripe because they are trying to tear anything down... he gripes because he cares about the game and is confused. Please help end some of the confusion by working on some of the smaller finer details. You don't even personally have to write them. Get the staff to come up with some definitions together as a team, and then you put your say on it. That way you delegate to them while you still get to ensure it's proper. Everyone posting here may know 'english' to a passable extent, but even between american and queens english grammar sometimes gets lost in translation.

/steps away from podium, sorry.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Hillsville VA, USA
On another note, the currently active moderators that are able to cope with moderating without having "Moderator rules", have settled in great... it's rare anything crops up anymore, and for some moderators nothing bad has ever cropped up, they've simply modded to a way that suits the mood of the forums and the playerbase... which goes to show not every moderator needs to have their hands held and strict rules to follow to make a good moderator! I guess some people need rules, some can just cope with common-sense... and the ones that can't cope with common sense will get weeded out of the staff over time and as the community demands :D

/me sighs. You really don't understand me at all Azzer. I want to say upfront that I'm not upset or raving or ranting, merely explaining.

It's not that I don't like rules. As a player, I don't agree with all the little "petty" rules that this forum has so when I see a moderation I disagree with, especially taking into consideration YOUR want to have leniency... Then yes in that instance .. the moderation of the colours was overzealous. Even though I personally felt that the Need of the people who posted in colour was petty and childish in regards to Blackwolfs fair question. Furthermore, it wasn't until someone else pointed out that it was against the rules that it was moderated. So yes I still feel that the action was overzealous.

However, I will say as I have a million times over and you still refuse to hear it. There has to be a better balance than what there is now between having rules that are only followed at whim (Which I think most of the americans and some aussies will agree that they are) And having an expected and known response to the breaking of a rule, which involves discipline.

I like how you throw in that little backhanded jab there about people needing thier hands to be held and how people with no common sense are weeded out. Once again you show your lack of people skills and your ever present rapier sarcasm. Those are excellent customer service qualities btw.

I sent my personal opinion of your posts to you via forum report. I will not argue with you here anymore, but I will continue to defend myself and state my opinion respectfully.

PS Squiffy is the fairest op we have. People know better than to break her rules or argue with her as well.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
And i still don't get why it was "spammy"... I didn't critique the existing moderators or try to start an argument. It was a honest suggestion, that my services were available, and Garretts reply in the original thread was informative enough.

As posted to you in a PM - sorry for the confusion but the nature and style of your thread, the way it was worded, everything about it just made it look like it was nothing more than a light-hearted/good natured "joke thread" - something that belongs in spam really than taking up a full suggestions forum thread. From the light-hearted comments like "*cue applause and jubilation*" to the actual suggestion wording itself "I bringeth the obvious solution to poor moderating here: Make Enrico a moderator!"... you can't honestly blame anyone for assuming your thread was just a light-spirited joke/bit of humour, and thus spammed it? :p

You hit the nail on the head regarding "rules" - they shouldn't be black and white, they should just be something that can be interpreted by humans, for humans. Hell, it's why despite having reams of laws in western society, we still have a process of courts and jury's - rather than just a "you did this sort of crime so you get this specific pre-set punishment"... it's a process that works for eal life, let alone a virtual forums! :D

As for having posts of yours moderated/deleted "just because the moderators didn't like what they contained" - I can't stress this enough... if you've actually had a post unfairly edited, please, please PM me the details - as it stands I can't see anything from a scan of the logs where your posts have been deleted (though it's hard to search the logs for a specific target of moderator actions... the mod logs are designed for me to quickly look up the actions of a specific mod, rather than the targets of any mod... so I could well have missed anything!). Seriously - if people don't report such things to me, then there's no way of me knowing it exists, and there's nothing I can do to the moderators to prevent it happening again. If you really genuinely have had something edited/deleted out that was not breaking any forum rules, and you know a mod just removed it to abuse their power/cos they disliked you - then PM me the details, you and I cannot and must not let moderators get away with things like that, if it's actually happening... but keeping it quiet and then making a general "oh yes the moderators do evil things and can't be trusted I've seen it happen with my own eyes" is just no good, we can't fix anything, we don't know who's doing it, and before you know it you've got a wild conspiracy where all the users think every single moderator is absolutely corrupt to the core because they saw some users posting things like "oh yes those evil mods delete my posts for no reason".

I agree it was overzealous... it was very Squiffy like and fair and rules-worthy... but over-zealous and un-necessary - agree with your opinion on that issue, and I dealt with the issue, spoke to the mod, and it shouldn'#t happen again (and if it does then we have an issue that needs dealing with in a stronger way! ;) ). As for rules being followed at a whim... there's two invaluable tools available to players, when not abused;

* Report tool. If something hasn't been dealt with by a mdoerator, that should be dealt with, you can report it. This report goes to all moderators including myself. Every moderator will sooner or later (usually sooner - when they next log on) look at this report, and if it's not already been dealt with, make a decision on it... and if it has already been dealt with, can give their opinion on the handling of the situation, if they disagree with the handling. This means that nothing can be ignored by choosy mods - everything ultimately can be seen by all mods. If something is reported and nothing is still done - you can assume all the mods decided that it was within forum rules/allowable. If you feel strongly enough on the issue, you can PM me the problem and let me know what rules it's breaking/why it needs dealing with, and I can step in as a moderator myself, if necessary - or at least let you know why it wasn't moderated (ie - if it was too light/too small/was within rules and ok).

* Complaining about a moderator. If something HAS been dealt with by a moderator, and you don't like the way it was dealt with (unfair, nazi like, a mod abusing their powers because of personal dislike of another user/to cover up what another user is trying to say), PM me, and preferably as quickly as possible, giving as much details on the issue as possible.

What more balance could you hope for that a set of "rules" for the moderators could bring, especially given that "rules" of even these very forums themselves for the users aren't necessary to be followed - because sometimes those rules are only necessary for really bad/extreme cases, not every single case (eg the colours thread), and when bad/extreme cases aren't handled properly, you've got the two options above as users of the forums yourselves, to help bring balance if the moderators don't manage to balance it.

I meant no backhand to you - I was genuinely being general and making a point that the current mods seem to be coping without any "Mod rules". By assuming otherwise, we would be saying that the current set of mods are falling apart and doing a hopeless job because they don't have rules - and I wanted to make the point for the opposite - they're coping just fine without rules, but not everyone copes fine, naturally - and rather than think we need rules for those that don't cope fine, we can instead assume those that don't cope fine simply aren't up to the task.

And Squiffy - while fair - is one hell of a nazi. It's only lucky it's not set up to it's full capabilities - I've had to request no amount of "tonings down" of it's rules because the original ruleset had it banning people regularly for long periods for minor things. It did it consistantly, it did it by following the rules, and it was one horrific nazi op. Most of it's power and things it "ops for" have been removed/stripped down heavily, so it's more bark than bite now, but still got quite a nazi streak to it's bark. Robotic following of rules is bad bad bad.

To sum up though - if you think the current set of mods are doing rather hopelessly/failing to moderate these forums, then why not come up with - or work with some other forum users who feel the same way so you all only have a little bit of work each - come up with a set of "Moderator rules" that you think would improve the quality of our moderators, help them in their job, and help keep these forums a better place. If these rules would alter what the current mods are doing, then we can see what people think about them... if we look at the rules and go "actually, if they followed these, they'd never be able to moderate anything/they'd be total nazis", we can assume them to be un-necessary... and if we see that the mods are actually already doing what these rules dictate anyway, then again we know they just weren't needed. And even with rules, if there really is a nazi mod - a set of written rules won't stop them being a nazi and strictly following the forum rules (eg: colour thread)... we still need a set of humans at the end of the day :p


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Even if it had been a joke, why would it be deemed "not relevant to bushtarion" and thus relegated to spam? Again a bit of fuzzy boundaries imho.

Anyways, I replied to the PM, just PM me a briad outline of what you need /want to know, and I will try my est to be "amazingly spectacular" in my replies. ;)


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Even if it had been a joke, why would it be deemed "not relevant to bushtarion" and thus relegated to spam? Again a bit of fuzzy boundaries imho.

Anyways, I replied to the PM, just PM me a briad outline of what you need /want to know, and I will try my est to be "amazingly spectacular" in my replies. ;)

You're acting suprised now that even a joke thread in the suggestions forum would be relegated to spam? A joke thread in the suggestions forum would be relegated to spam because joke threads in "serious parts of the forum" clog up the forums, especially in a busy forum area like suggestions where it's important for me to read and see all suggestions by players. It's why we have a set of forum rules on spam, why we have a special spam sub-forum for "silly fun", and why we have seperate forum sections at all... Do you perhaps think joke threads should be allowed anywhere? :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
So Azzer, a penguin and Larry Flynt roll into a bar....


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
So Azzer, a penguin and Larry Flynt roll into a bar....

Garrett... You're fired.



Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Even if it had been a joke, why would it be deemed "not relevant to bushtarion" and thus relegated to spam? Again a bit of fuzzy boundaries imho.

Anyways, I replied to the PM, just PM me a briad outline of what you need /want to know, and I will try my est to be "amazingly spectacular" in my replies. ;)

You're acting suprised now that even a joke thread in the suggestions forum would be relegated to spam? A joke thread in the suggestions forum would be relegated to spam because joke threads in "serious parts of the forum" clog up the forums, especially in a busy forum area like suggestions where it's important for me to read and see all suggestions by players. It's why we have a set of forum rules on spam, why we have a special spam sub-forum for "silly fun", and why we have seperate forum sections at all... Do you perhaps think joke threads should be allowed anywhere? :p

Nope, I think non sequiteurs can be deleted, and when in doubt, ask the poster.
Which is what in my view the moderator in point should have done all along.

And to quote the great dane Piet Hein: "Those who just see jokes as jokes, and seriousness just as seriousness, has understood both parts rather poorly"

But we are off on a tanget here.

Just to reiterate, I did not want to imply that the current moderators do a poor job, just that I think I can bring something that per now is somewhat lacking, i.e. service mindedness, and a smile. :)


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
You may think you would be a good moderator Enrico yet you've already proven in my honest opinion that you wouldn't be.

1) You posted spam outside of the spam forum.
2) You cried about a moderators decision publically
3) You double posted ((a good moderator would use the edit button) and I am refering to the start of this thread))
4) After a topic has been moved to PM by the Forum Administrator you continue to push publically

That's 4 points based purely on 24hours.

Now reference to your final post:
Your suggestion of moderators asking a poster if their post is spam? I mean seriously are you really that stupid. How many people in the world will openly admit to breaking a rule when asked?

"Excuse me I wasn't fully sure if you shat on my dog, did you?"
"No mate."
"Oh ok. Sorry to bother you"

Doesn't work

As you like summarising your posts heres a summary for you:

Enrico as moderator = No no no.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Hillsville VA, USA

Now reference to your final post:
Your suggestion of moderators asking a poster if their post is spam? I mean seriously are you really that stupid. How many people in the world will openly admit to breaking a rule when asked?

"Excuse me I wasn't fully sure if you shat on my dog, did you?"
"No mate."
"Oh ok. Sorry to bother you"

Doesn't work

Actually with a little application of that common sense and non nazi like humanity, it does work because the conversation is seldom that simple.

excuse me, the moderation team believe your post is a bit spammy can you give me a reason to keep it open?

- OH I want to mod/op

Oh wellthen a better idea would be to send a list of your qualifications in a pm to Azzer, I'll go ahead and delete this for now

- Ah great thanks, go ahead and delete my post :) <----- enrico's scenario

- No man don't delete my post, I want to be op.......<-----Cheese's scenario.

i'm srry you feel that way , but azzer prefers this kind of stuff be kept to pm , <--- proper mod response

It's not that hard really.
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