• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.



Jan 27, 2009
I see you recommend IE 7 or Firefox. What about World Browser? That is what I'm using and it seems to do pretty well.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Technically all browsers work, although from what azzer says the beta of IE is so **** atm its not working..

Its just down to personal preference, i personally use Firefox for the add-ons/extensions available and the speed.

There are a couple of bushtarion extensions floating around for firefox so if you ever wanted to you use them firefox is obviously your best bet.



Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
I see you recommend IE 7 or Firefox. What about World Browser? That is what I'm using and it seems to do pretty well.

TBH I'd really recommend anything other than IE.

I rate the "four big browsers" in this order;
Firefox (fantastic)
Opera (very good)
Google Chrome ("alright" - does the job most times, few display bugs)
IE (absolutely shocking, many display bugs, errors, security loopholes etc.)

I've never used any other browsers myself (eg Lynx or "World Browser" which I've never heard of before) - but I would imagine that they're likely all better than IE, as most other browsers are developed by people who pay attention to the international web standards, rather than microsoft who simply "interpret" the standards in their own way, and then implement their own methods, which generally means websites coded to standard break in Internet Explorer - forcing developers to either have 2 versions of their code... or only pick one set of browser(s) to be fully compat with.

If I could force every single Bushtarion player to install and use Firefox (or a browser of their choice) other than Internet Explorer, I would. It's only a pity Windows comes pre-installed with IE, and so most "less experienced" computer and 'net users only ever use IE and many don't even know other browsers exist, for free.

I'm going to continue this rant in to a fully blown one and finally add that the worst thing, from a web developers viewpoint... is that I can develop a website that follows every single new web design standard. I can implement the latest CSS 3 etc. - it can work fine in Opera, Chrome, Safari, Lynx, Firefox... but IE will "bug it" and it'll have minor (or sometimes very major) formatting errors... but that's not the worst of it... the worst part is most IE users will assume it's the website code that's at fault, not their browser. Kind of forcing developers to code workarounds for IE bugs. Very, very frustrating.

I gave up on IE 6 or below because it's just too terrible, hence any IE 6 users get a big red message on the main homepage now saying "You need to upgrade to version 7 of IE, or get a different browser, like firefox!". I think other developers will soon start having "enough" of IE and forcing their users to get something better, too... but it's got to start somewhere... why not here? ;)