• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

Sleep mode


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
The game needs a way to encourage more alliance play. The problem with alliance play is that it requires more activity and a spread of timezones...which is very hard to find coverage for. The few "night cover" players usually end up in one or two alliances, leaving smaller alliances free to be raped during the night. What if the penalty for sleep mode were significantly reduced if the alliance itself went into sleep mode? Like the leader logs in and can hit alliance sleep for like 5 hours (have a set amount of time). They could still get like half their seeds- and they would know that their troops were safe for that short time span. Im sure there are lots of issues with this, but just a suggestion from a different angle that will perhaps spark other thoughts.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

It would make it quite easy for the rank 1 alliance to avoid getting killed by a resistance. Sometimes they hit sleep mode, but because some of them aren't online they are easy to kill, and because they don't always hit sleep at the same time you can pick them off when they come out of sleep. This way, as soon as the incomings became too much to handle, or if the leader just fancies a bit of sleep, he can just hit sleep and his entire alliance would be perfectly safe.

That's just my take on it. It might be possible to get around that somehow.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

Actually for the new round with the different scoring and game mechanics i proposed to Azz to enable sleep mode only for 3 days or more (so it can be used for short/long vacantion instead of overnight protection since for many acre income won't be as important as this round if i understood right how Azz wants to code it).


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

Thats fine, I guess my point is that there just arent enough "Night Cover" players available anymore. So the ones that do play, get into a top alliance (and top these days means rank 1-3:p). That leaves the top alliances with around the clock coverage and all the smaller alliances (that you theorize will take out the top alliance at night) have no one online at night and instead of attacking the top, end up getting raped by the few players that are in the top and online at that time:p

Like I said, Im just trying to approach the current alliance play problem from a different angle. There needs to be a way to make playing in a toppish- middlish alliance more enjoyable- and to have the benefits of it not over shadowed by the benefits of solo play.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

Woot give the nightcover people nothing to do but be in sleep mode?
Jaja nice idea not.

Bushtarion front page: If you are a new player and you are more than +4 / -4 of the English GMT then expect to just be in sleep mode if you join an alliance under the rank of 5. Have fun.


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

You know, you were a nice kid- apparently its time for you to spread your testosterone around or beat your chest or something. Maybe you have to act that way to be cool these days, but it sure isn't as appealing as the nice kid I used to remember talking with. Disagree, fine. Point out mistakes- great. Make a positive suggestion to address the same problem-wonderful. I'm tired of all the hostility and sarcasm on the forums though, its chasing anyone with an ounce of maturity away.

Sometimes one idea that is not the answer will spark an idea in someone else that is. But with replies such as these, from the supposed leaders of the Bushtarion community, no one will bother anymore.

I just saw F0xx get bombarded early for suggesting that he be able to preview a page- the responses are just so hostile its rediculous.

I retired, came back and had a great round with Hell- should have left while I was ahead. End of round, Ill rejoin the rest of the people from this game that just think the community has gone to hell.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

Oi i am nice :'(

Now what i say seems very blunt ... my writing style changed for the worse of these Forums and the better for my university course ;o

Testosterone? It's been nearly 4 weeks now. Go figure :'(

I don't see another suggestion along these same lines which is why i didnt post one ...
Sometimes responses no matter how hostile or blunt also spark other responses!

Maybe i could of posted "Just think of those players who would have not much to do as an American or Aussie".
Then someone would of posted well no ... x x and x.
Then i would of said what i said.

I r sorry ! :*(


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
Re: Sleep mode

Apology accepted;)

And I happen to be an American that is considered night cover (that is laughable to my alliance I am sure as most Euros are up as late as me these days). The suggestion may be bad-np. But if an alliance has Aussies or Americans and dont want to hit sleep mode for 2-5 hours (or whatever the set amount would be)- then they certainly wouldnt have to. They would get full seed production:) Since the majority of the game is solo...it wouldnt affect very many people as is now, anyway:p The very top alliances would stay active and awake, the ranked 3-15 (if there are 15:p) alliances may opt to hit sleep mode for 3 hours a day. I dont think taking them off the available targets for 3 hours is too detrimental, and I think that it may encourage more people to play allied - but thats just my opinion and I accept others' disagreement:)

You cant play alliance currently unless you have night cover- and there just isnt enough to go around anymore. Its always been a problem...its just become more of a problem lately as the community is dwindling.